6. Chota pack bada dhamaka

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Pinky: what? Who dadi ji😡😡

Nandini didn't even say sorry for the doorbell music yet.

Nandini: you must neil sir's mom right dadi ji

Neil slapped his forehead. Everyone tried to control their laughter. Raman stood clueless

Cabir hid behind manik's back trying to control his laugh with great difficulty, mukti herself laughing and rubbing cabir's back.🤭🤭

Neil: nandini.

Nandini: hi sir good morning. Just now I met your mom, and she is very sweet (note the sarcasm) 😬

Neil: nandini she is not my mom

Nandini: what? ??? but she is the only one person who look like an elder person

Pinky: shut up. Pinky just went away angrily

Nandini looked at her then neil

Nandini: don't tell me she is your grand ma and I just misunderstood her🙄

This time everyone laughed cabir and mukti rolling on the floor laughing.🤣🤣🤣

Ragini: she is our relative like sister to neil. (controlling her laugh)

Nandini: hi ragini mam. Even in this night dress you look hot🕶🔥🔥

Everyone eyes pooped out hearing her comment

Nandini: neil sir am I right?

Now neil is in dilemma if he said yes he would embarrassed in front his kids, if he say no ragini will be mad.

Ragini: really thank you nandu

Nyonika: i like this girl already

Nandini: Who is she (pointing at nyonika) is she your daughter?

Neil wants to bang his head somewhere. Manik and mukti trying to digest the words because nyonika is their mother.

Ragini chuckled: no she is the second bahu of our family and my sister nyonika

Nandini waved her hand cutely hi🖐🖐

Raj: before you assume any random thing let me introduce myself I am raj malhotra, brother of neil and nyonika's husband

Nandu: thanks for the information, or else I will assume anything, want to know what I thought?

Raj: no no please keep it with you.

Raj knows she will definitely make him embarrasses

Neil: nandini

Nandini: yes sir

Neil: what are you doing here?

Nandini: aww what do you mean by that, Ragini mam did sir have partial amnesia

Ragini chuckled: no

Nandini: you told me yesterday that come your house. So here I am

Neil: at 7'o clock

Nandini: you didn't mention the time

Neil: if I didn't you should have ask me nah

Nandu: before I was about ask you said "don't start your express now, bye" (mimicking him)😉

Everyone enjoyed their nok-jhok. Because neil don't talk this much he is strict and reserve person, now this tiny girl is mimicking in front him

Raj: is she your P.A

Neil: Unfortunately yes

Nandini: so what is my work sir?

Neil: you are going to sit silently there until I come

Nandu: no. you know that I can't be idle that too silently. So can I make your favorite coffee?

Ragini: sweety you are here for the first time how can I let you work. I will make your coffee till then you can sit in sofa

Nandu: I will get bored. Can I play doorbell music again?😎

Ragini horribly looked at her

Ragini: making coffee is much better I think

Raj being musician can't stop his curiosity

Raj: what is the doorbell music

Behind nandu nyonika showing her hand "no don't ask about it". But raj didn't saw her🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️

Nandu excitedly : come with me sir I will show it.

Nandu goes to doorbell stated ringing one time then two then three

Raj and neil looked horribly 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️

Raj: stop. nandu come with me. See this is kitchen. You can make your coffee here

Nandu went to the kitchen

Raj: from which planet she come????

Cabir: chota pack bada dhamaka

Manik and mukti: so true. 

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