45. I don't want to lose her

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Hello everyone

This part is dedicated to my best friend jagajanani29497 whom i am missing alot right now

I know it would be little boring still enjoy reading. 


In Restaurent

Cab: So how did you and Nandu meet? College friends?

Navya: No, we grew up in the same orphanage, and then I was adopted by a lovely Punjabi family.

Cab: ok. What do you like to eat? Are you vegetarian?

Navya: No I am a pure non-vegetarian. It's my treat, so you tell me: what do you want to eat?

Cabir in mind "I don't want to spoil my image in front of her."

Cabir: Marget's pizza is enough for me

Navya: Are you sure?

Cabir: yeah

Navya (waving at the waiter): Bro can you take our order. 1 margarita pizza, 1 cheese pizza, chicken tandoori, veggie nuggests, lemon soda

Cabir jaw dropped down, and now he regrets orderding just one pizza. A little bit, he was already impressed by her personality.

Navya: How was your day?

Just like that they started their endless conversation

In office

Neil: nandu take this laptop, you can take it home also. Save all the confidential details here, don't use your personal laptop for office documents. Make a strong password to protect it

Nandu: "strong" password got it. Now I have to bear this little one too.

Neil didn't pay attention to her tantrums.

Arya: sir, we are done with work today; we are going home. Nandu, are you coming too?

Neil: Take this girl away from here, I can work peacefully from now on.

Nandu showed her tongue: "I am going then. Have fun"

Neil: arya, where is manik

Arya: don't know sir, I think he went to meet Raman sir

Neil: ok bye then

Arya and nandu took a lift

Nandu: arya what if the lift stucks here? At least one day I want to be stuck here

Arya: what kind of wish is this, even if I stuck here, I don't want to stuck here with you, I want to be with a beautiful girl

Nandu: you mean I am not beautiful?"

Arya: I mean, you are not a girl

Before he gets beaten up, the lift door opens, arya Arya runs to save his life

Nandu: you! I am going to kill you today

When she was about to follow him, she got a call from Amms

Nandu: hi ma, How are you all

Amms: We are all fine dear? Are you busy now?

Nandu: no amms, what happened?

Amms: I am in hospital with sahil

Nandu: what happened to him?

Amms: just a regular checkup. But suddenly he is being cranky, Can you come and handle him?

Nandu: just 15 min, will be there

Ravi: Are you going somewhere. Should I drop you off?

Nandu: No, just beat that arya for me

Ravi: Of course I will do that

Nandu: bye, will see you tomorrow

After she went, Arya popped out from behind

Arya: where is she running?

Ravi: She's on her way to the hospital to see her brother.

Arya:ok. let's go

Ravi: wait?

Ravi hit him three times, then asked him to hop on the bike

Arya: are you a kid

Ravi: she asked me to hit you (stating the facts)

Arya: oh god, what will I do with these kids

Nandu reached the hospital, sahil and amms sitting outside of the scanning room, and there are a few patients waiting outside with their families. Seeing sahil's looks, nandu understood his inner voice.

Nandu: sahil

Sahi: didi,

The moment nandu comes, he hugged her and said, "I really missed you, didi."

Nandu: I missed you too, Now that I am here can we do the checkup now

Sahil: but you shouldn't leave me alone.

Nandu: I won't

When nandu was about to enter the doctor's room, she saw Manik sir waiting outside of the vip ward

Nandu: is that really him? How come Manik sir is here, I can't leave sahil alone here,

Sahil: didi let's go

Nandu: yes,

Nandu greets sahil's doctor,

Doc: hello, Ms. Murthy How are you, it been a really long time

Nandu: I am fine doctor

Doc: my dear little sahil, are you taking your medicine regularly?

Sahil: yes doctor

Doctor: ok, now I will do my regular checkup, and then I will do the x-ray."

Sahil: ok

Nandu: doctor what is there in that west side room

Doctor: its VIP patients ward Why are you asking?

Nandu: nothing doc

In VIP ward

Manik: doctor, is there any improvement?

Doc: No, Mr. Malhotra, to be more frank, we are losing hope on the patient.

Manik: Can you please do something, I really don't want to lose her at any cost

Doctor: I am sending her medical reports to my senior doctor, let's hope for the best

Manik: thank you doctor

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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