10. shake the milk - milkshake

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Pinky: ruhi did you brush your teeth

Ruhi nodded no (she looks scared) 😢

Raman: how many times I told you don't come down before brushing

Ruhi: but daddy

Pinky: she never listen us. She is becoming stubborn day by day. Even now she can't drink milk without tantrums😡😡

Raman: today I will see how she refuses milk. (Seeing raman anger ruhi almost had tears)😡

Nandu: raman sir you forget one thing.

(Neil startled by her voice. Neil signs nandini to don't interfere but will nandini ever listens someone not at all. Neil don't want nandini to face raman's anger)

Raman: what? (Angrily)😤

Nandini: good morning

Raman: huhhh

Nandini: whenever someone wakes up in the morning we should say good morning you know?

Raman: Now you are teaching me how to behave with my child.

NAndini: no I am just reminding she is your child

Raman: what

NAndini didn't listen raman talk she goes to ruhi. Kneel down in front her to match with her height

Nandini: hi cutie. Good morning. I am nandini you can call me nandu😊

Ruhi: good morning nandi (cutely rubbing her nose)

Nandini: so you don't like milk

Ruhi nods no

Nandini: ok. if you brush your teeth then I will give you milkshake

Ruhi eyes started sparkling: Milkshake?😋😋

Nandini: yes

Ruhi runs into her room for brushing

Pinky: milkshake that to in the early morning

Raman: how dare you? You are spoling my daughter's health in the morning

Nandu: and you are spoiling your daughter's mind in the morning

Raman: stop diverting the topic. Who will give milkshake in the morning.

Nandu: and who said I will give the milkshake

Now everyone got confused

Raman: but you said

Nandu: "I will shake the milk and give it to her" it's her milkshake

All: what

Neil got what she said and started laughing 🤣🤣🤣

Nandu: ramu kaka (she whisper something)

Ramu brings ruhi's sipper bottle, milk and badam powder🍼🥛🥛

Nandu pours the milk added little sugar and badam powder then she started shaking the bottle.

Manik to cabir: did she gone crazy

Cabir: she is already crazy

Ruhi came down brushing her teeth

Ruhi: nandi see I brushed my teeth eee(showing her ee)

Nandu: as I said here is your milkshake

Ruhi got her sipper started drinking excitedly. Within a 3 min she finished her drink. Nandu wiped her mouth.

Ruhi: will you give me daily

Nandu: If you brush your teeth daily, then I will ask your ragini dadi to make your milkshake daily. Ok?

Ruhi: ok.

Nandu: now go and have bath

Ruhi went

Nandu smirked at pinky and raman whose jaw hanged down in shock

Raman: how?

Nandu: as you said she is just a child. (Mocking way)

Raman patted nandu head lovingly

Raman: impressive.

Hearing this everyone get surprised and pinky fuming in anger.

Everyone finished their breakfast. Here neil can't stop his laugh

Neil: did you just shake the milk and say milkshake haha 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Nandu: you can't laugh on my brilliance

Hearing this everyone laughed more.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

At the same time Doctor came into the house

Cabir: hi Doctor.

Doctor: hi cabir. Did neil's blood pressure gone high

Manik: yes doc. Please check him now.

Doc got more confused seeing neil malhotra laughing causally

Doc: are you sure about his BP

Neil: hi doctor what a surprise

Doc: well your son called me yesterday night saying that you have a high BP. But seeing you in so much happy makes me confused

Neil: all thanks to this crazy girl (showing nandini)

Nandini: sir, you didn't tell me you have BP. That's why you are on leave today.

Neil nods yes.

Doc: she is looking so innocent. (nandu grinned)

Cabir: you will see that soon how much innocent she is

Doctor checks his BP level

Doc: your BP is very normal

Doctor takes the statoscope

Nandu: I always love this headphone you know

Raj chuckled.

Mukti: it's called statoscope you know

Nandini: I know

Doctor kept the statoscope in his chest to hear the heartbeat

It's been a five minutes. Nandu still stares at them who busy in their work.

Doctor smiled seeing his heartbeat works perfectly

Nandu comes near to the doctor

Nandini: his heartbeat singing an item song or melody.😜

Doc: what????

Nandu: you are smiling hearing his heartbeats as if you are hearing music so I thought😛😛😛

Doc: now I know realized why your BP is normal. If I stay here then my BP will rise

Manik: dad is fine right

Doc: if the girl stays near him then he will be perfectly fine. My work is done I am going.

Raman signs a relief hearing his dad fine.

Manik: ok dad. Take care of your health I will go to the office

Neil: ok. nandu it's your first presentation in this office. Do your best ok?

Nandu pouted: you won't be there to see it😏

Neil: not today. But I know you will rock it.

Nandini smiled

Ragini and neonika comes and kissed her forehead saying all the best.

Raj: well you never wished me when I go to the meetings

Nandini: don't be jealous sir.

Manik: if you are done with it, can we go now

Nandu: Bye guys. Don't miss me too much

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