Chapter eight

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Pulse bared his fangs at the Hypno.

"Who are you?!" He snarled, preparing himself for an attack. His injured paw hit the ground and he howled with pain, falling over.

When I get my paws on that shiny shitbag I will maim him so bad!

Pulse grumbled with embarrassment.

Hasira giggled, her silver-white tail twitching a little as she sat down, putting a paw over her mouth.

"You'll have to excuse him. He's a little grumpy from getting a broken paw."

"That's fine. I-I was just wondering if you needed help. Oh by the way, you dropped your sword friend." The Hypno commented, pointing with the pendulum still in his paw.

Pulse snarled at him.

The Hypno jerked back in fright.

"Yes. We do. Can you help us?" Hasira questioned the Hypno.

The fact they were going to trust a random Hypno was a sign that Hasira was stupid. The Hypno could easily capture them, or worse.

The Hypno smiled softly. "Of course!" Then his expression changed. "But what happened?"

"It's none of your concern!" Pulse barked, snapping at the air.

Freaked out, the Hypno sprang back.

The Hypno quickly composed himself and just smiled at Pulse.

"You're right. I'm sorry. Curiosity got the better of me. Anyways, may I bring you to my secret base?" The hypnotist suggested.

Secret base?

"Why is it so secret?" Pulse wondered curiously.

The Hypno only snorted. "If I told you right now, it wouldn't be a secret. Some Pokémon could be listening. Anyways, if you would like to follow me, it's this way."

"Fair enough." Harsira remarked.

Pulse's gaze just remained set in the back of the Hypno's head.

There was something odd about this Hypno. Pulse just couldn't wrap his head around it.

If he's a threat, then I will vanquish him. I am a dark type. His psychic type moves won't have any affect on me.

Pulse picked up sword friend.

Hasira, Pulse, and Hypno walked for a bit in the forest.

The Hypno kept glancing back at them.

"So what are your names?" He queried the hound and fox.

"I'm Hasira! And this is my bestest friend in the whole wide world, Pulse. The sword thingy is his other friend, Jabetu. She got injured in a fight." Hasira barked.

Pulse flashed Hasira a warning glare.

Her rambles could get him arrested.

Hasira let out a nervous laugh.

"But that's classified." The shiny continued.

The Hypno only chuckled. "I'm sure it is." He replied.

After about a few minutes of walking and quiet, the Hypno then introduced himself.

"My name is Ulysses."

"Oh." Pulse replied, bored. He didn't care what this Hypno's name was. He wanted to get in and heal and get out as soon as possible.

I also want to get away from this creepy Eevee. He thought as he turned his jet black head towards the bouncy Eevee next to him.

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