Chapter one

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Choroba looked in horror from her own creation and her mate. She was paralyzed with shock. Shock that Pulse would kill his own father like that.

Pulse turned his gaze to her, ignoring the red oozing from his claws and paws. Choroba's jaw fell. Her son looked like a killer with all that blood on him.

" I'm sorry, mom." He stated. " I couldn't put up with his bullshit anymore." Choroba just stared down at the body of her husband. " We need to bury him." She states.

" Bury him? No! He deserves to rot! In fact," the sly Houndour states, jumping on his mother, swiping her to the ground. Choroba had her jaw agape. " You don't deserve to live either!" He growled, claws extended.

Choroba stared at her flesh and blood. Her body bends upward as Pulse prepared the finishing blow. She put her paws over her face. But...she never met her end. Pulse's paw was still lifted over her.

He lowered it. " Hmm. Yes." He commented as he pondered this throughly. He licked his maw. " I will let you live for now mother." He sneered. Choroba let her guard down.

" But," He continued, paw raised back in the air. His claws extended. He swiped a paw at her. She screeched. " I didn't say you could go without punishment." He growled, licking the claws he used to strike at Choroba's eye.

The eye he clawed filled with blood, and it became dark in that eye. White fluid was over the claws as well. Pulse chuckled darkly. " Listen here, Mother," He exaggerates, strutting up to her.

Despite his size he was menacing enough. Choroba backed up. A paw held her eye. Her other filled with pain and anguish.

" I will not go to that stupid school, you hear me?" He asked, shoving her to the ground to swipe at her body. More blood spattered the ground next to Doom's dead body.

Choroba avoided his gaze. He deserves to go there now than ever. She thought. Who knew this could change my pup that much. " Look at me when I'm talking to you, idiot!" Howled Pulse, harshly stepping on her foot.

She barked with pain. " What do you want you little miscreant?!" She snarled, teeth showing at her own son. " I don't want to go to that school." He barked, swiping his paw at her in a slap. She reeled back. " You can either listen and obey, or be destroyed." The dog growled, eyes glowing a dark shade of red.

Choroba growled. " Fine." She huffed. " I never wanted you in that Arceus-forsaken school anyways." She lied through her teeth. Pulse let up. " Good." He growled, pride in his gaze.

This was fun. He thought. Torturing a Pokémon is underrated. At that, Pulse heavily stepped on his father's face, jumping up and down till the face broke.

He strutted into the house, and growled at his mom. " Come," He ordered. She rolled her eyes as she followed her son. " Sit." He ordered, putting a paw harshly down on the ground.

Choroba obeyed. " This is my house now!" He barked, paw in the air like a tyrant would sometimes. Choroba whimpered. " You might be my mom, but I am the top dog of this house you understand?" Snarled Pulse, slapping his mother once again.

She doesn't deserve the title of mother, betrayer! He thought. He darkly glared at her. He was waiting for her answer. She seemed hesitant to answer him. She nodded with a whimper. Weakling. He thought, as he continued his list.

" Understand that if you fail to please me then," He began as he put a claw over his throat and motioned a ' dead' signal. His mother quickly nodded. Pulse turned around to hear her sigh.

He climbed onto his father's bed, and rolled around it. This is the life. I could get used to bossing others around to get what I want and not have to have rules of my own. He thought.

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