Chapter twelve

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The fire type spun around, heart dropping.

Was his sneaking all for nothing? Was this a failure?

There, in front of him, was Dwight.

The Sylveon didn't seem shocked he was up, just concerned.

The fairy-type Pokémon reached out a paw to him. "Do you need something, Pulse, my friend?"

Pulse reminded himself that he no longer had to be friendly to the pink fox.

He bared his fangs to the unsuspecting Sylveon.

"Yes, I do need something from you, Dwight." Pulse rumbled simply as he lowered himself to the ground.

He prowled forward, the Sylveon becoming slightly frightened as slowly crawled towards him.

He unsheathed his claws.

"W-what do you n-need?" The Sylveon wondered, stuttering over his words due to the fear Pulse was bringing to him.

"Me? Oh it's simple. Two things, actually, dear friend." Pulse growled, purposefully dragging on the word friend.

This made the Sylveon gulp in fear, backing away slightly.

"What do you need? Just tell me!" Sylveon begged.

The niceness in the Sylveon's voice was gone now, replaced by not only pure fear, but with something just as powerful as fear: desperation.

The need to survive was a huge thing. It can make any nice Pokémon turn to it when they were threatened or when someone they loved were threatened.

In this case, it was Dwight's life that provided this desperation.

Pulse adored the feeling of overpowering his opponent.

He never thought he would, but he loved it.

He took a step closer, which naturally enforced the Pokémon in front of him to step back in fear.

Earlier, he couldn't get close enough, but now he knew who he truly it's pure bliss.

Pulse purposefully left Dwight without an answer.

He only snarled as Dwight began to shiver in fright.

Dwight backed away once more, halfway into his room by now.

Pulse chuckled.

"M-My wife is in there! I'll go get her!" Dwight barked out.

He was about to collapse, and Pulse knew it.

The fear was making his legs weak.

We can't have weak Pokemon now, can we? That's annoying. I knew there was something annoying about you, and I finally figured out what it is. Pulse thought as another growl rumbled in his belly.

Pulse then smirked as realization hit him like a Poke Ball to a wild Pokémon.

This Sylveon was lying. His wife wasn't in there.

Also, his wife was a heavy sleeper anyways. She wouldn't wake up even if her husband screamed bloody murder.

Or maybe she would, but her being in a different room would definitely benefit Pulse and his killing spree.

"Your wife? I can easily overpower her and you at the same time. And your daughter? No matter how powerful she is...let's just summarize it: I will destroy you no matter how many Pokémon you have. I may be one Pokémon, but I am willing to go through more than any other to get what I want, and what I want is quite simple. You know what I want, so why don't you give it to me?" Pulse suggests with a sadistic smile.

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