Chapter eighteen

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"Well, Rau, can you tell us where your mom and this Absol are currently? That Absol might be the very same Absol we're looking for. Can you lead us to them?" The shiny Wurmple whispered to the shiny Froakie.

The shiny Froakie wiped away some tears.

She couldn't have been older than three.

She gazed at the Wurmple.

"They're over here, follow me! But can we not get too close? The Absol is scary." Rau whined, shaking viciously, kneading at the ground with her frog limbs.

The Froakie didn't point at all. It was weird.

She hopped into the bush silently.

She didn't indicate for them to follow or anything, but they followed her knowing how dangerous this world can be.

One of the Wurmple huffed in annoyance.

"Great, more walking. Wouldn't it be easier if we had one of the Pokémon with actual feet to help us get there in time? It would surely save us a few extra minutes." One of the pink bugs suggested as he tried to catch his breath.

The Purple Wurmple put a thorny paw on her chin, thinkingly.

She then nodded.

"I suppose you have a good point there, Cadet. Hey, Pulse, Hasira, do either of you mind if we climb up on you and catch a ride?"

"Uhm...I mind. I have your backpack, so if anyone should pick you up it would be Hasira since that would only be fair to me. I'm strong, but I haven't lifted weights." Pulse remarked.

Then again I probably should or I should at least try to become more powerful. I should let no one get in my way.

The purple Wurmple nodded.

"Fair enough. How about it, Hasira? Would you mind if we climb up on top of you and perch there? I think some of the members of my group are sissies." The purple Wurmple joked.


"Anyways, what do you say?"

Hasira nodded frivolously.

"I'll do it! Though it might tickle me a little, but if you guys are tired, you are more than welcome to take a break. I'll carry you all!" Hasira barked in a cheer.

Most of the Wurmple cheered along with her, crawling towards her on their thorny paws. Their stingers were wagging like tails as they climbed up all over her.

They left barely any part of her uninhabited. They basically left her nose, eyes, paws, and the tip of her tail left open.

That's a lot of Wurmple.

With that, Pulse and Hasira began running, Pulse in a light jog because of the weight of that one purple-white egg on his shoulders.

Hasira was running, and the Wurmple on her were whooping. At least a few of them were. The brown one wasn't really having a fun time on her shoulder.

He almost looked motion sick.

Pulse pinpointed the shiny Froakie by her wet, marshy scent. It was a disgusting mesh of smells, but Pulse figured it was better to go by her scent than by the fading Absol's, as a light storm could be heard.

Thunder could be heard and some of the rain drops fell on the ground, or in the trees above.

The rain barely hit the ground, though.

By this point it wasn't raining too hard, and Pulse could still sense Rau with both his nose and his ears.

He had excellent hearing as well.

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