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The egg was finally hatching.

Joy filled the female's sword's face as she watched the yellow-and-green egg hatch.

Whatever was in it was a fighter.

It punched, and kicked ferociously.

It only took six seconds, but the Pokémon popped out of the egg with an angry expression on his face.

He glared at her, his face seemingly recognizing her, but not commenting anything.

Then again, he just hatched.

He didn't seem innocent unlike the other child.

It was like...he had seen shit before.

"Welcome to the world little one!" She chirped.

The Pokémon—a yellow-green Scorbunny, stared up at her and tilted his head.

"Welcome to the world of Pokémon!"

"My name is Jabetu, and you are a Scorbunny. Your brother over there is an Indeedee. You will work together with me, and together we will make this world a better place." The Aegislash boomed.

The Scorbunny stared at her half-lidded, not amused.

She cleared her throat.

This one was definitely odd.

"Anyways, let's find you a name you like....hmmm... Yellow?"

The Scorbunny rolled his eyes, obviously not pleased with the name.


Again, the bunny shook his head.

"Right, we need to come up with better names."

"Junior?" A squeaky voice piped up, and a purple-and-white Pokémon popped up out of nowhere.

He didn't look amused at anything.

"Nah. I think Chicken would be better."

"You're probably just hungry, mom."

"We could go deeper. Flame!"



"Mom, I thought we were going deeper!"

"Shut up, Chocolate."

"That's not my name."

"Well that's what I wanted to call you so you're now called chocolate."

The two argued over names for a bit.

"Fine then, how about Kagis? After my dead partner, Pulse. It's what those humans call a different language." Jabetu explained.

'Chocolate' shrugged.

"I don't know. Does he even like that name?"

Immediately the green-yellow Scorbunny nodded.

That is the only name I will be called. I always come back.

Jabetu smiled.

"It's settled then. Welcome to the team, Kagis. By the way, did you meet Chocolate?!"

"It's Eiginnte!"

"Okay, Chocolate."



Authors note: when you know you shouldn't meme Undertale, but couldn't help it because you thought it was funny....yeah no that's staying in that crossover. Lol. It's funny.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2021 ⏰

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