Chapter ten

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Majnun and Pulse walked side by side.

Pulse couldn't help notice how suave and boastful Majnun's body movements were. He walked with such a confident gait that it screamed just how much cooler this Pokémon was than Pulse.

It irritated him.

"So, why do you want to kill my sweet Izar's family?" Majnun wonders with a grin on his face.

Pulse growled as he looked away.

This Absol was already prying into his private life. It was annoying.

He didn't want to tell him anything.

"None of your business, Magenun." He growled.

Majnun rolled his eyes.

"I know it isn't, but I'm curious and I thought you would tell me. Unless you have no reason, and are just grumpy and annoyed at these Pokémon."

He didn't comment on the name.

"I just..." Pulse began.

"It's fine, you don't have to explain it to me. I just want  to take advantage of that cute Jolteon. I want her to be mine before I take everything from her."

What the fuck?! Pulse had a weirded expression on his face. That's genius. Why didn't I think of that?

He then looked at the ground, growling slightly.

The Absol thought of everything first.

Well, he barely knew the Absol, but the Absol seemed to know something he didn't.

Pulse thought some more over it as they continued to walk.

"I know it's weird, but why should I be tied by love if I can love as many women as possible and then be free? My father always told me women always restrict you. That's why I'm like this." Majnun blamed with a whisper.

Pulse rolled his eyes.

"I really don't care. Can't you be quiet? I don't like listening to your annoying voice anymore. Arceus, I already have one annoying motherfucker who I have to deal with right now, I can't deal with another. Why Arceus?! Why me?!" Pulse snarled as he dramatically fell over, putting a paw over his eyes.

"Sheesh. What an emotional Pokémon. Why you?! You're the ones who growling every few seconds. Look, once this is over you can go back to your own life, and I'll go back to mine. I don't want to be friends with you anyways. I just want what I deserve, which is kits with that Jolteon." Majnun hissed as he jumped over a log.

"Do you think if I 'save' Izar from you, would that make her like me?"

Pulse huffed with irritation.

Is all this fool can think of is who he's going to have kits with?

It seemed like the young Absol was in some hurry to grow up, and to become a reject like his father.

He did mention his father divorced his wife for his 'freedom.' Whatever freedom that may be.

Pulse jumped on the log, feeling his breath slightly escape him before scrambling to climb on top of the piece of wood.

He grunted as he jumped to the ground, falling flat on his belly.

Majnun laughed ahead of him. "You're so slow!"

Ugh. Pulse thought, his nostrils flaring with anger and his mouth opening.

He shot a quick ember towards a nearby tree which caught on fire.

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