Chapter five

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Long story short, Pulse lost. It wasn't his fault, though. The dumb Dodou joined the battle and they almost arrested him. He fled. His insides panicked as he ran. " I need to make myself stronger." He decided after that battle.

He walked home and collapsed on his bed. His mother took back her bed, so he had to go farther. He groaned as he did. Every part of his body ached.

He rubbed his head as he tried to go to sleep. He couldn't. He thought of that school. He tossed and turned. He finally got to sleep. He had dreams of Ruri beating him.

A snarl came from him as he woke up. His mom peeked in. " Good morning." Choroba greeted him. She didn't seem as afraid of him. He groaned as he got up and stretched. " How was your sleep?" She asked him as she lead him to the table.

He glared at her. She only placed a plate of Pokepuffs on the table. Pulse licked his chops greedily. He sank his fangs into the pokepuffs and gobbled them all.

" It was okay. A little too interrupting, but it's fine." He commented as he confused her. She didn't question him. He went back to stuffing his face. He wiped his mouth. Then he got up out of his chair and ran out the door.

He ran straight into Jabetu. " Can we talk?" She asked. He blinked at her. What's she doing here? He asked himself. He nodded. Jabetu lead them into the woods.

" You have been acting strange lately. What's up?" She asked. Pulse only snarled. " Nothing's up. It's not any of your business." He growled. It was more than he didn't want her to know. He didn't want to get her in trouble. He actually cared about the stabbing creature.

" It is my business. You're my friend. I demand to know why you're so secretive!" She yelled at him. He whipped around and began to walk away from her. " No! I won't let you leave!" She shouted as she appeared in front of him. She blocked his exit. " I want you no part in this." He snarled.

" Well I want to include myself in all the parts of this." She argued back. " No! I don't even know if I can trust you!" He barked back at her, anger flaring in his voice. Things became awkwardly silent since he said that.

" How can you say that?" She asked silently. Pulse didn't answer. He just stared at her. " Because I have a huge secret, and I'm sure you wouldn't approve of it." He said blankly. Her eyes seemed to widen at that point.

" Did you," She began with her mouth a gap. " Did you kill your father?" She asked him. He didn't expect her to realize it that fast. He just turned the other way and ran off. Screw school today. He would have to start to run away now! He was sure Jabetu would hate him for what he has done.

Then that would most definitely make his future dream true. He thought gloomily as he walked through the forest. He supposed he had run away far enough.  She didn't follow him. Good. He thought as his paw got caught on a tree root.

He felt it twist. He cried out in alarm as he tumbled to the ground, hearing his paw make a sound he didn't believe was possible. His face smashed into the ground. He tried to pull his paw out of the root, but it was both stuck and broken.

He growled in anger. Now his whole life was ruined because he had a broken paw. He could most definitely kill someone else if it wasn't broken. Now he couldn't even lift it. He let himself lay there. He didn't lay in self pity. He just laid there and looked around.

He didn't want to bark out for help either. He gazed at the forest around him. A Pidgey watched his struggles before sticking his tail feathers in the air. Then the Pidgey laughed at him. He snarled at him. The Pidgey panicked and tried to take off.

Of course he forgot about Pulse's fire attack. He spit out a little He fire and the Pidgey screamed in pain. And did Pulse stop from there? No it only fueled his anger. He spat more and more fire at the creature until he was poultry.

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