Chapter two

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Pulse's throat rumbled in delight. Ruri deserved it. He dug his claws into the soft earth, feeling its grit all over him. " Litle snitch." He growled. He padded triumphant back to his house.

The sun was settling over the horizon. " I was out that long? Better make sure mother is doing her work right." He commented.

The hound dog raced back to his house. The one he now owns. He. Not his annoying and dick of a father, Doom. He bounded in with a grin on his features.

His head shot straight to his mother who was cleaning the house. Her paw was now on her eye. It should have healed over.

Pulse didn't think much of it as he padded over to his bed. Well, it used to be his parents, but he deemed it his. He curled up. " No!" Choroba barked at him. He lifted his head. " You can have my bed, mother." He mocked, his teeth bared.

That scared Choroba to his room, tail between legs. He chuckled. " Good. Hope she doesn't slip up. Or it's off with her head." He commented.

The words slipped out his mouth so casually. It was like he had done this all his life. He yawned as he put his paws over his nose and fell asleep. Immediately, he hated his dream.

A pulse. A pulse. Pulse put his paws over his ears. " What is that annoying sound?! Quit it, you Exploud!" He roared, enraged as he put his feet down in a frontal stomp.

A chuckle rang out. " She's coming for you!" The voice laughed. It was an unknown voice. " Mama is coming!" The voice said once again, laughing. A slap could be heard and a Pokémon walked into view.

" Who are you?!" He roared, leaping at the Black Pokemon. The Black Pokemon disappeared and only laughed once again. " I'm one in an eon, my friend." He addressed him. His rings glowed.

This creepy Umbreon seems ghost like, almost like he's dead, but not. " Who are you?! I'll kill you!" Pulse barked, leaping at the Pokémon.

" You can't kill me." Umbreon states. The Umbreon's amber gaze held his. " Feel My Pulse." He meowed, kicking sand in Pulse's eyes. " Gah!" Pulse cries out before the Umbreon pelted away.

Pulse rubbed his eyes. " That's it! I'm gonna Kill you!" He roared as he hared after the Ghost Umbreon. The Umbreon looked back at him. A playful look appeared on his face. Umbreon looked ahead with a straight face. He then raced off even harder. " Oh no you don't! I won't let you get away that easily, bitch!" Pulse barked, drool hanging on his muzzle.

The Umbreon giggled in glee. " Only if you can catch me! And find me!" He playfully exclaimed. He darted around a corner. The Umbreon disappeared, but before he did he said, " You can't kill me. I haven't even been born yet."

Pulse huffed. " This was all for nothing?! That idiot isn't even here?! Fuck him!" He barked, kicking a stone before hopping on his other three in pain.

" It wasn't for nothing. You will never be able to kill that Umbreon anyways, dear son." Rumbled a Pokemon he recognized. " You're dead!" Pulse growled to convince himself.

The Pokémon walking towards him was the father he had killed yesterday. " I will always be here." Doom rumbled.

Pulse bounced towards his father. " Just die already!" He roared, tearing into his father's flesh. Instead of blood like he would expect, it just showed a hole before the wound mended itself.

" You can't kill a ghost like that." Doom, amused, told him. Affection for Pulse still shown in his eyes. " Why are you here?!" Pulse barked. " Can't you see no one wants you here? You cause too much trouble, and I never want to see you again!"

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