Chapter seven

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Pulse grunted as he limped, his broken paw throbbing like crazy. His sword friend was in his mouth.

Poor Jabetu. She didn't deserve this! It's that stupid Paarthurnax's fault! Pulse thought as his paws sprung over a log.

Pain shot through his paw, but he ignored the impulse as he continued onward. No broken paw was going to stop him from getting help for his friend!

He would get revenge for Jabetu. He swore it on his life that he would. She didn't deserve the fire punch! How dare Paarthurnax!

This is what happens when no good police get in the way. They ruin everything! Pulse snarled, his muzzle moving when he thought about the gosh darned headstrong Starter.

Starters always think they're so special just because they're 'more powerful' than regular Pokémon. Well, they're wrong! They're weak as a Magikarp. Actually, they're weaker!

Pulse thundered through the forest. Once he exited the forest, he tried to search for someone who could help. Someone who wasn't anyone who he hated the guts out of at this point.

He needed to find someone who could fix his paw and heal his best friend. He stuck his nose in the air, and tried to find someone who could help. Maybe a Chansey or an Audino. A Blissey would also be great.

Pulse revealed his teeth when his nose caught scent of one of his classmates. Ugh, I didn't want help from her of all Pokémon! I think she's obsessed with me!

The scent was sweet, yet it was a little sour with a hint of flowers. It was as if this Pokémon had taken a bath as if they planned on being here.

A white ball of fluff skipped out in front of Pulse. " Hiya!" Hasira purred as she bounded forward to meet Pulse. It seems as if she hadn't noticed the sword in the canine's mouth.

Pulse growled. Ugh. Now I wouldn't mind for Ditto to show up to help. Anyone but her. I feel like a character from another world with her obsession over me. He thought with hatred.

There was no way no matter how much she liked him would he ever be with her.  He didn't like her like that, and her obsession with him was really childish.

Pulse sighed. I guess I have no other choice. I'll ask the rat for help. The overrated rat who happens to be shiny. This will really sting.

" In case you can't tell," Pulse grunted as he hobbled closer, cursing his wounded paw for making him weak. " I'm sort of in a pickle. If you could help me-"

" Of course I'll help you! What do you need?!" The Eevee squealed with delight. That is very creepy. It feels like she was following us. Pulse pondered with disgust.

Pulse shivered. He hated this Pokémon. He hated her for her obsessions with him. But...he needed her help! He sighed. Guess it was time to spill the beans. He hoped he was putting his trust in the right 'mon.

He knew she wouldn't tell anyone because of her 'love' for him, but he wasn't sure if she was willing to keep it a secret, like his friend. She might be too much of a ' good two shoes,' for that.

He gulped. He needed her trust, despite not liking her. She could have good potential if I ever need a team of badass Pokémon to destroy that velociraptor who tried to stop me multiple times over.

He nodded. Yep. I will tell her. " My Friend is hurt, and I have a broken paw. We need your help to heal her and help my paw get better." He told her.

She would most defiantly ask the question of how they got it.

" How did you break your paw? And how did Jabetu get hurt like this?" Hasira wondered, her voice seemingly like venom when she mentioned Jabetu.

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