Chapter thirteen

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Pulse growled furiously.

He was only supposed to act like he was helping her, and Pulse would fake being hurt.

Then the facade would continue with Pulse running away.

Pulse wanted to ask what Majnun was doing, but the Absol wouldn't stop his assault.

"Leave her alone you stupid Houndour!"

The Absol bared his fangs, swiping at him with his horns.

His eyes were blazing with real anger.

Pulse didn't understand.

He leaped back to avoid the attack.

Why was this guy so bipolar?

One minute he was letting him pretend to murder his crush, if you can even call that weird obsession over the female Jolteon a crush, and the next he was baring his fangs with anger aimed to kill.

That's what Pulse believed anyways.

Was he trying to gain his trust just to backstab him here and take him in?

Pulse stumbled a bit, trying to regain control. He needed control. He needed it.

Pulse snarled furiously.

"No! You two aren't strong enough to defeat me. A whole army of you aren't tough enough." Pulse rambled as he stalked towards them.

The two Pokémon exchanged half lidded gazes of unbelief.

They didn't believe Pulse could take out a whole army.

Majnun chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever makes you sleep at night. Speaking of sleeping at night, I hope you sleep forever for what you did." Majnun snarled, lashing out at Pulse with his claws.

Pulse cried out as he tried to dodge, the slash attack that Majnun was using.

The slash attack grazed over his chest, lightly making a wound.

Pulse barely felt the attack, but he was greatly insulted.

This is what he gets for letting himself being fooled on a mission.

Trust is worthless when you give it right away. Lesson learned. I need to escape. Once Izar starts attacking it will make it easier for Paarthurnax and any other pathetic Pokémon who gets in my way to arrest me and hand me to jail. That's just as bad as going to that hellhole of a school that my father wanted me to go to.

Pulse focused some energy on a Smog attack, wanting to give himself an opportunity to escape.

Both Izar and Majnun began coughing as soon as the purple clouds came out of Pulse's mouth.

He continued to breathe it out.

If he continued to do so, he could kill them.

That would be the most satisfying thing ever. He thought with his teeth clenched in hatred for the Absol and Jolteon.

He heard a loud sound coming from outside the house.

Is that...sirens? Pulse gawked angrily at Majnun who was just glaring at him.

Izar was snickering.

"Oh, there they are. Finally. I was thinking they would never show up." Izar yipped with a devilish smile.

"You called the cops?!" Pulse growled.

"Well, yeah. When I heard you speaking with my dad and wasting your time, I called the Pokémon Police." Izar barked.

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