Chapter fourteen

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Pulse licked a paw and glared slightly at Hasira.

He knew he was supposed to fake being her friend, but he still couldn't help being annoyed at the fact that her asking what happened and prodding into his night.

He knew she just cared, but he didn't feel like talking about it.

"Don't want to talk about it. I just had a rough night."

Hasira nodded.

"Do you want me to help you clean them?" Hasira wondered as she took a step closer to him.

Pulse shook his head.

"I'm no baby, but thank you for the offer." He rumbled as he painful began walking to the kitchen where Ulysses was flipping some pancakes.

The Hypno was humming a soft song as he had his entire focus on perfecting the pancake.

Pulse sniffed the air.

It smelled decent.

The Hypno finally turned around, and smiled welcomingly at them.

"Good morning—" Ulysses began to chirp before noticing Pulse's wound.

"Are you okay?" Ulysses asked.

Pulse was slightly surprised he didn't ask him what happened.

That's what Hasira asked at least. Isn't he a bit curious how I got these scratches in the middle of the night?

"I'm fine. Nothing I can't handle." Pulse grunted, wincing with pain as he hobbled between his injured paw and his other paw in his haste.

He didn't want to stay here longer than needed, but it might be a while before Jabetu was fully able and ready.

Plus, I'm sure the police might be after me after what I did. Pulse reasoned with himself.

Ulysses nodded.

"I'm sure. If you want I have some health items to help with those scratches. Oh, by the way your friend still hasn't woken up. She should wake up soon, hopefully." Ulysses informed the Houndour.

Pulse nodded.

"Yeah. I'll go do that now." Pulse barked awkwardly.

He was just glad the Hypno didn't ask any questions.

Perhaps he knew something went down, but didn't think it was worth mentioning.

Pulse growled.

It wasn't.

"The first aid kit is down the hall on the right. In the bathroom. If you want you can also take a shower. That is, if you want to get wet. I know you're a fire type, but it's up to you." Ulysses informed.

"But where is it in the bathroom?" Pulse wondered as he gazed into a nearby room that had a weird painting of a brown Slowpoke and a shiny Zangoose within it.

"It should be in the first cabinet, but I can show you if you want me to." Ulysses offered him with a smile.

"But what about—"

"Breakfast? If it's okay with her, I'll have Hasira aid in finishing up. I can show you where it is."

Hasira bounced with excitement.

Does she even know how to cook? She doesn't seem like the knowledgeable type. She seems more like the overly cheery and helpful type.

Pulse then smiled genuinely.

At least she wants to be helpful. That's at least something I can admire about her. It's the cheery part of her that's just too unreal.

"I can help! Let me help!" She barked as she bounced up and down, grinning widely and closing her eyes in her excitement.

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