Chapter nineteen

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It's been months since the fight with Majnun.

Things were starting to get semi back to normal.

Everyone in town had noticed Pulse, Jabetu, and Hasira had gone.

Of course no one cared Hasira was gone, but they noticed.

Pulse, Hasira, and Jabetu went back to school where Pulse had noticed Paarthurnax continually kept an eye on him.

Suspicion was in his gaze.

He watched him almost everywhere.

Pulse heard from Choroba that Paarthurnax had tried to get him arrested by the Police Force, but the police force didn't believe him.

They might now, but so far nothing has been proven or lead back to Pulse.

It was another day in Poketown.

There was no school, so Pulse was hanging out with Jabetu.

Hasira bounded up to them with a happy expression on her face.

"So how's Rau doing?" Pulse asked the shiny as she bounded up to them.

Pulse had never seen her so happy, and he always seen her happy.

"She's doing better! Mom and Dad are treating her like a second daughter! I can't believe they let her stay." Hasira yipped with a huge loopy smile on her face.

Pulse nodded.

"That's good. She doesn't really have anywhere to go, and Choroba wouldn't let her stay with us."

Pulse would have threatened her, but she reminded him of how little money they have right now, so they couldn't take care of another child. Especially a young child.

Plus a young mother with two children was usually busier than one with one.

Plus I killed my dad, so I suppose that's fair.

Hasira frowned.

"But she's having a lot of nightmares. She's been doing better, but she still dreams of Majnun. Usually it's him slaying Pidove. Other times, she's explained how he was raping her. She seems quite scarred. I fear she may be scarred for life."

Jabetu shrugged.

"Well, what can we do about it?" She grunted.

She wasn't there to see the horrors that Majnun had placed on the Pidove and shiny Froakie, so she wouldn't know what to do. Anyways, she was still young and she didn't know anything about curing or helping those who've witnessed horrible things.

"Well, my parents have set her up with a therapist. It's expensive, but they want to help. I do too. I've been trying to take her to the park. She seems okay. It's been months since the incident, but nothing I do is working." Hasira sighed.

This was the first time Hasira has hung out with them since what's happened.

Hasira has been hanging out with her new sister.

"Well, have you tried helping her make some new friends? She might need some." Jabetu grunted.

Hasira sighed.

"My parents tried and tried again, but Rau won't play with any of the Pokémon."

"Have they been setting her up with males? Maybe that's the problem?" Pulse suggested with a small smile.

Hasira shook her head.

"She won't talk with anyone. It's been getting bad. She only really talks with me. She doesn't trust my parents. She keeps asking for you, though, Pulse. You, and those nice Wurmple." Hasira informed Pulse.

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