Chapter sixteen

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"Come on, come on!" Hasira giggled as she raced ahead of Pulse.

It was their last day with Ulysses.

Hasira was excited to go back.

Pulse would be excited to go back, as he loved learning from school, but he couldn't help but worry.

What if Paarthurnax has the whole town against me by now? I'll surely be run out of town if he has Ruri and her little minions backing him up.

It would be even worse if they managed to meet Majnun and Izar. They would surely tattletale on him.

Hasira and Pulse were both in the forest exploring it.

A few Wurmple were out there as well watching them for whatever reason.

It was weird.

Pulse shuddered.

I never really liked Bug-types. They're the most useless type ever. Pulse thought as the leader of these Wurmple, a purple shiny Wurmple approached them.

Pulse kept the ember move in the back of his mind in case he needed it.

"Hello?" He questioned with an arched eyebrow.

"May we help you?"

The leader gazed up at him with big wide black eyes, her back arched so she could gaze up at him.

"Yes, you may help us." She squeaked out, getting slightly closer when Pulse put an paw near his ear so he could hear her better.

"What is it?" He asked, blinking in curiosity.

His paws itched for him to burn these guys alive, but something told him they weren't much a threat at the moment.

Plus they were cute.

Far cuter than Hasira that's for sure.

"Have you seen an Absol around here?" The Wurmple asked him.

Pulse's eyes widened.

Did they mean Majnun?

"I mean, I have, but I haven't seen him recently. If you're even looking for this Absol." Pulse remarked.

The Wumple's eyes widened.

"There's only one Absol in this woods. Where did you last see him?" The shiny asked him with worry in her gaze.

She glanced around as if she figured she would find him nearby.

"Wait you met an Absol? Wow! Did he have a cool horn?! Did he use it? Did he—" Hasira began before the shiny Wurmple cleared her throat.

This quieted the female.

"The last time I saw him around here was at house with a Flareon shaped roof. Why?" Pulse wondered.

The Wurmple didn't question why he was near the house, but the Wurmple's eyes went even wider if that was even possible with how wide they were earlier.

The Wurmple then turned to one of the other Wurmple, a pretty light blue one with yellow eyes.

"Miyuki, could you please hand me my clipboard with the piece of paper on it and an pen? I need to write something down." The purple Wurmple requested with a white stubby limb extended to take the requested items.

The young blue female Wurmple reached into a huge bag nearby, falling into the bag as she tried to reach in with her short thorny paws.

How were they able to carry that all the way here? It was ten times their size.

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