Chapter eleven

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"Welcome to our humble abode, Pulse, was it? Anyways, I'm so sorry for what happened to you. I knew I should have insisted you and your friend should have stayed with us. You seemed awfully alone in that forest with no parents, are you traveling alone together? I know you mentioned another name, but I was curious if you were only with some kids like you." The Sylveon yipped.

You know, even though Majnun is a creepy asshole, at least he didn't pry too much into my private life. I am not mentioning to this simpleton that I am on the run from a stupid lizard and a weird Dodou.

Pulse kept it together, barely.

He sighed.

"No, we're with a grown up. That's Ulysses, but we were alone in that forest. She ran away, and I had to bring her back. She probably told you this". He informed.

That much he can share.

As weird as Ulysses was, he did say he was thirty years old, so that made him an adult. Technically, he could also be a legal guardian of theirs.

"Where are they, then? Shouldn't you go bother them instead of finding us?" Izar snapped angrily.

Pulse pretended to be hurt by this.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't really have much of an option. He lives in a treehouse, so I can't really climb up it as fast as running and losing them. I was lucky I found myself here. Sorry I'm wasting you're time. I'll go die in a hole or something."

He forced his tail to drop and forced himself to have a sad expression on his face.

On the inside, he was laughing at how the Jolteon seemed shocked, almost feeling bad she had upset him before growling at him.

"You see what he did father?" She asked him.

Dwight laid one of his ribbons on her shoulder.

"You're too paranoid, dear."

Dwight then padded past his daughter towards the Flareon.

The Flareon had glasses on, and she seemed to be regarding Pulse for a moment before approaching him and Dwight.

"Hello there, kid. I've heard all about you from Dwight, though from what he told me you seemed grumpy." The Flareon greeted cautiously, yet friendly.

She seemed more worried about hurting him than anything else.

She seems really careful, and caring towards others. Pulse noted as he dipped his head in greeting.

"Oh, hello there." Pulse rumbles in a deep and silky voice.

"Sorry, I was grumpy. I'm not normally that grumpy."

His gaze turned away.

Yes I am. Hard life and all. I only deserve the best. Pulse convinced himself.

"Yeah, you spooked our daughter. Though, she's spooked by every Hoothoot that hoots at her." The Flareon laughed with a chuckle.

Pulse decided to laugh along with her.

"I would be spooked myself." Pulse agreed with a fake gentle smile.

I can't believe I'm about to say this.

"I mean, if a random dark type came into the forest, blazing in fury about their friend running away and making them worry, then of course I'd be afraid. The wrath of a Pokémon can certainly be scary." Pulse agreed.

Izar just huffed, looking away annoyed and in disbelief.

Pulse could hear her mumbling stuff under her breath.

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