Chapter Twenty-One

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There he stood, the rat himself. The rat of all Raticates, Paarthurnax.

Pulse's muscles tensed as he, Akaldeep, Jabetu, and Ciaran had a stick up with Paarthurnax and his starter friends, Nami and Carrion.

Pulse growled.

This was his first time challenging the little rat to a battle with new team members.

He had to strategize.

This was also his third fight in general with the rat.

He remembered calling him Lizard Breath earlier.

He remembered back then an Absol had tried to arrest him.

He always wondered why.

All he did was kill a simple Applin in front of her.

It wasn't even on purpose.

He even accidentally used a move on some officers.

Maybe I was trying to see how far that ember went, but that's all.

His father was the first one who he purposefully killed.

That was when the rat was first here, and wanted to first create the squad.

You know that's not how they died. You were always a villain. You will always be a villain. A voice in his head told him.

Pulse glanced down.

He didn't want to remember.

He was a good Houndour, right?

No. You've never been a good Houndour. You and I will be doing evil things together. You have no choice in this matter. The voice told him.

But don't I?

"Put your paws in the air! You and you evil team give up your actions! You're under arrest!" Paarthurnax exclaimed, a slight Ember attack coming out of his mouth.

Pulse found himself cackling, but it didn't sound like him.

"No, how about you burn, Lizard Breath?! That sounds like a nice way to pay respects."

Pulse found himself using a move he didn't want to use: Fire Fang.

He sank them into Paarthurnax who cried out.

There's No PoInT! The voice told him.

YoU'vE alreAdY gone ThiS FaR.

Pulse felt a slight ache in his heart, or whatever heart the beast inside would let him have.

The beast was himself.

The him he hid.

He was a monster.

Why should he try to hide it?

A sudden jolt of electricity made him grunt, his Fire Fang ending.

He lifted his head to see a Pikachu couple nearby with cheeks sparking in anger.

"Leave him alone, you hell dog!" The male exclaimed as he used Thunder bolt once more.

It was weak.

Well, Pulse convinced himself it was weak, but his eyes started to water in pain.

He backed up from Paarthurnax who was panting in pain.

He did a good number on him, and the battle had barely started.

The female Pikachu next to her apparent lover used a Thunder.

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