Chapter four

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The class finally ended. " I'm free!" Ditto exaggerates as they all run away from Quagsire's ugliness. Well, that was to the class. Quagsire thought he was very hot. Well, cool.

Pulse curled his lips as Paarthurnax gazed at him for what seemed to be eternity. Then the little Velociraptor, that's what he decided to call him, raced off to join his bulba and squirt buddies.

Pulse snarled. He hated that lizard. He walked home alone, ignore Jabetu on the way. " I heard about your dad being murdered." Jabetu tried to strike up a conversation.

Pulse only snorted. Jabetu glances at him. " You don't feel sad he's gone?" Jabetu asked him. " It's already gone. It's in the past. Let's stop talking about that bitch and let me walk alone in peace." He growled at her.

Jabetu was taken a back and sadly went at her own pace and floated back to her house. Pulse sighed in relief. " No good jerks. Get all up in my business why don't cha?" Pulse snorted.

His eyes dilated. They turned completely black. " Those detectives will all die if they continue to pursue the truth." He growled, unaware of a shiny presence nearby. He started up his walk again, eyes back to normal.

He shook his head. " They won't find out. I promise you that I won't let them. And if they do." He then chuckled as he swiftly kicked a tree, somehow being a fighting type. The tree got cleanly sliced through. Pulse smirked in satisfaction. " Next time." He chuckled. " It won't be you, Mr. tree."

He trudged onward to his house. In front of it was a sight he should have been prepared for, but even he was taken a back. In front of him was a detective. A very dumb looking one. The Dodou had an eye glass on his face. He turned around, looking at Pulse with his unusually green eyes.

" Greetings, Pulse." The Dodou said, shaking when he addressed him with that name, as if he knew something that Pulse himself knew. Pulse's lips curled backward. No! He can't possibly know about this! Pulse calmed himself.

" I am Detective Paparazz." The Dodou told him, lifting his body a bit and grabbing a pen and paper pad with his claw. He balanced himself on one of his talons. " Papa Razzberry?" Pulse questioned, an amused look on his face.

Not only did this Pokémon look hilarious, he had a funny name. " No. It's Paparazz. Think of it like the word paparazzi, but without the i at the end." Paparazz commented. " Now that I have you, I might as well ask some questions regarding your father's departure. If I may that is." Paparazz said.

Pulse regarded him for a second with a glare. His eyes turned black. No! He will not answer any of this delicious looking bird's questions. His lips peeled back. " Go ahead." Paparazz stated.

His eyes turned back to normal. Paparazz didn't notice, but someone else did. Hiding within the shadows. And he was determined to prove something, something that no one understood.

He was going to prove a Poochyena's innocence and give this Pokémon the kicking out he deserved. He killed his own father. That is something to be kicked out for. The Pokémon continued to secretly watch, his figure hidden by the bushes.

" You should honestly know how it goes, detective. We don't certainly need this useless and silly investigation." Pulse told him. " Tut, tut, Pulse. I am most certain what I am doing. Now answer these questions and I'll be out of your fur." Paparazz told him, waffling a claw.

That made Pulse want to kill him even more. He's a threat. A huge threat. I need to get rid of him. He thought as his claws slid out before he noticed and slipped them back in.

" You haven't asked the questions yet, doc." Pulse growled. " So how can I answer what hasn't been said?" He asked. Paparazz realized his mistake. " Dear me. I'm sorry, lad. You said a friend of yours killed your father am I right?" Paparazz asked.

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