Chapter six

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For most of the way, Jabetu didn't stop staring at Pulse. He growled. He didn't like sympathy. It didn't seem like sympathy to him, but you can never be too sure.

" Stop looking at me." He growled at her. She glanced ahead before turning back to her friend. Yep. Friend. Nothing more. Nothing less. And thank the ugly Arceus for that. Pulse pondered.

He limped out to the parking lot. " Wouldn't it be better to have a wheelchair, honey?" His mother asked him. " No thanks. It'll just slow me down." He said. " would actually make you go way faster." Choroba told him, very confused by her son's antics.

He walked past her, ignoring her response. Jabetu didn't question him and followed him. " Where are you two going? Aren't you going home?" She quizzed. Pulse shook his head. " Nah. We have other plans in mind." He told her, sneering.

He hobbled into the forest with his friend following him close by. " What was that? Where are we..?" She began before he slammed his Good front paw on her mouth. Well, not slammed. He paused before slamming. Trying not to kill himself. And not get his arm cut off due to him being stupid. Not that he was.

Pulse flashed a smile at her. " I want you to prove yourself." He told her. " Do I have to kill someone?" She asked right off the bat. Well she was a sword. Pulse nodded. His smirk was still there. " I was hoping you would and not bail on me." He said.

She nodded. " I'll do it." She said. " But it depends on who and how." She explained to him. " That's understandable." He said, licking his lips. She patiently waited for his response.

" I want you to kill," He began, licking his chops once more. He waited for the most intense and suspenseful moment. " I want you to...I need you to kill Paarthurnax. Or Ruri. Either one will do." He told her.

This wasn't a surrpUss. They were both on his top ten to kill. Then again that Pachirishu was as well. And his teacher. Man he hated her guts. There was just something around them that he just wanted to end them for some odd reason. Maybe it was their kids, or maybe it's because he knew there was so much more than just that Pachirishu being a student.

Either way, he felt the need for someone to die today. " You mean that little lizard dude?" She asked him. He nodded. " Or that Poochyena pooch?" She asked. He nodded.

" She probably directed Slider to hurt me with her lies. After all, I am indeed the one who sent her to jail. Looks as if she found a boyfriend and a girlfriend while she was there. Though who can tell she's a girl, after all her name is a male's." Pulse stated, laughing. He liked making fun of the young and stupid.

Not to mention other dog-like creatures in the first place. He just loved the pain of other Pokémon. His mother was one of them. He loved how afraid of him she was. But Jabetu was different. He didn't want her to be afraid of him. He didn't know why. He just didn't.

He also didn't want to be tricked. That's why he set up this murder stuff. To see if she would at least try it. He thinks she can behead one of them with her powers.

Jabetu just stared at him. She seemed to think it over pretty nicely. He was wondering if she was going to reject his offer and then turn him into the police when she said, " I'll do it. I'll one of them or both of them, or die trying." She boldly stated. Pulse shivered at those words.

" Let's hope you don't die today, or anytime sooner." Pulse said. She began to walk away...well float away. " Wait!" Pulse began, holding up his hurt paw in attempt to stop her. He yelped at the pain before continuing. Jabetu glanced at him with the most extremely worried face he's ever seen her, well anyone gave him.

" I will follow you to watch. And to make sure nothing goes wrong. If they do, I'll help." He growled. " But your paw," She began. " I'll cut my paw off before I let you get killed by that velociraptor on steroids or that hyena of stupidity." He snarled, quickly catching up to her always.

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