Chapter twenty

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"Hey, Rau." Pulse greeted her with a dip of his head.

The young shiny was hiding underneath her covers.

She poked her head out from underneath, blinking in both confusion and fear.

"Y-You're're Pulse!" She exclaimed, slowly crawling out from underneath the covers.

She ran over to him, hugging him tightly, tears beginning to fall down her face.

"I'm so glad you're here!" She choked.

"Yeah, but I'm sorry to say that I'm here to try to convince you that the Pokémon who are taking care of you, Hasira's parents, aren't like what Majnun is." Pulse told her.

Rau nodded.

"I know." She choked out, sobbing.

"Then why aren't you trusting them or anyone other than Hasira and I? I know we aided you and helped capture Majnun, but that doesn't mean the Vaporeon and Arcanine aren't trustworthy."

Pulse didn't bother with learning their names this fast. If he were to hang out with them more—that would meaning hanging out with Hasira which he found gross, then he would consider keeping their names in the front of his mind.

The shiny Froakie looked away.

"It's stupid." She muttered.

"Trust me," Pulse sighed. "There are more stupid things."

He paused, noticing Rau didn't say anything.

He sighed.

"Look, I can't make you like nor trust these Pokémon, but you got to start somewhere. You can at least trust them to take care of you and to feed you. They won't hurt you. I don't know them  well and haven't known them long, but they at least seem to care about you. Even if you don't trust them, just trust me. Though, I still don't know why you would trust me over them, but if you don't think they'll take proper care of you like you deserve you can always just come over."


Rau was silent.

That much about her Pulse liked.

She wasn't as noisy as some Pokémon were.

She struggled harshly obviously as she lost her real parents at a young age, and then her foster mother a few months ago. Pulse at least admitted she lost more than he had.

I'm pretty selfish if I do say so myself. All I've really lost sanity. She's lost more. She's dealing with a lot. Maybe...I should help her. It could prove to be somewhat useful for us both. She could definitely use a big brother: someone to look up to.

A sudden thumping sound could be heard from outside the door.

The door then was knocked on.

"Hello?" The Arcanine's voice boomed as his paw thumped the door.

Pulse was surprised the door didn't break down when the Arcanine began knocking on it.

That Arcanine has a lot of strength. Imagine if he used that for such things such as bank robberies instead of caring for others.

"Rau? Can I please come in?! I have something very exciting to show you." Pax barked.

Pulse could hear the excitement in his voice.

Rau gazed at Pulse with wide eyes before looking at the door.

Pulse just gestures to the door.

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