Chapter three

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Pulse strutted into the school with a smirk plastered on his face. He does a little dance move by spinning in a circle before moving his body in the same strut once more.

He flashes a smile that melted half the female Pokémon there. He wasn't smiling for them. He was smiling for himself. I am the best there was. He thought as he winked.

He knew how good he looked. He wanted to show off how much better he was than those judge-mental fools. He smiled and the sun flashed off his teeth. Several of the male Pokémon rolled their eyes.

So did quite a few of the females, though most seemed to love what he was doing. Jabetu floated over to him. " You're being weird." She told him. He stuck out his tongue at her.

" You're one to talk floating sword." He flashes at her, sitting. Several gossip kinds of Pokémon gasped and said, " Roasted!" Jabetu glared at him.

" What the fuck happened to you? You've become arrogant." Jabetu commented. Pulse ignored her. He noticed a young Eevee bounce into the classroom. " Who is that?" He asked with disgust.

It better not be my wretched daughter that I apparently have. He thought. " Hasira, which seems like a really weird name for a shiny Eevee." Jabetu commented. The shiny Eevee greeted over half the class.

She bounded over to Jabetu. She seemed to reel back in horror at the sight of Jabetu. She gazed at Pulse. Her Eevee tail wagged. " H-hello." She began, holding out a paw to shake. " My Name is Hasira." She introduced.

Jabetu tried to shake her paw, but the Eevee instantly pulled it back. " You are a sword." She commented, observant. " Oh. Yeah. But I can still shake hands and paws if I'm careful. Here's my....uh handle." Jabetu states as she extends her hilt.

Hasira reluctantly shakes her hilt. Her ears bent as if she was a disgrace to the Pokémon world. Hasira instantly turns her attention to Pulse. " And Who is this?" She asked, flicking her tail at Pulse.

" My name is Pulse. Nice to meet you Hasira." He lied. He only grinned. " O-oh. Nice to meet you as well, Pulse." Hasira stuttered. What a joke. He thought. She's not even that cute. He walked over to his seat.

He sat down. A shiny Charmander day next to him, gazing pretty intently and creepily. He pretended he didn't notice. His ears folded as he heard chatter. " Is it true? Did Ruri get arrested for murdering Doom?" A Ditto asked.

" Of course it is. It isn't gossip for anything." A Pachirisu states. " I don't think we should gossip. It's not good." A Squirtle states, his eyes on a friend of his. " Pft, loser." A Rowlet snorted. " Oh shut up, ugly!" Squirtle yells.

" Quiet class!" The Ivysaur roared. The class didn't shut up. " I said shut up you worthless pieces of trash that we waste our good hard earned cash on that could be spent on a jacuzzi!" Ivysaur yelled, using Razor Leaf. That shut everyone up.

Mostly. " You're trash!" Ditto yelled at her. " You shitty!" A Trubbish yelled. " Oh yeah! Says the fucking trash bag. Who's the trash now?!" Ivysaur roared. " Still you." Ditto says.

Ivysaur glares at him. " You done yet, delinquent?" She asked him. Ditto became silent. " That's what I thought." She states as she goes back to her school notes.

" Now onto the lesson." She says, rifling through her things. She put an apple on her desk. She took a longer than needed drink out of her water bottle that lasted five minutes.

Satisfied, she wipes her mouth and pulls out paper. " Aha!" She exclaims. " Today we will be learning about mysteries." She stated. Jabetu raised her sword at Ivysaur. " Gah!" Ivysaur screeches slightly before saying, " Yes, Jabetu. You can put away the point now." Ivysaur told her.

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