Chapter fifteen

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There was nothing interesting around the house besides some more weird photos of a weirdly green-red spotted Togekiss, but that was it.

Eventually Ulysses called out for breakfast, and Pulse padded back into the kitchen.

The smell of freshly made pancakes made Pulse's stomach rumble.

The sounds his stomach made greatly embarrassed him.

He just sat down at the table as the pancakes were placed in front of him and Hasira.

Ulysses rubbed the back of his head.

"I didn't know if your friend would be up or not, so I did make her some pancakes. I suppose I can put them in the fridge until she wakes up." Ulysses sheepishly informs them.

Hasira smiles widely and purely.

"It's totally great!" She yipped, her tail wagging, but her eyes told a different story.

They were the eyes of anger and jealousy.

Ulysses only smiled warmly at the shiny, and took the plate filled with pancakes towards the fridge.

He shuffled slightly as he approached the fridge.

He reached a paw out, and wrapped his fingers around the door's handle. He then pulled on the door, and it swung wide open.

Ulysses didn't like how wide it was, and closed it slightly before carefully placing the warm pancakes into the fridge.

Afterwards, he slowly shut the door and turned back to the stove.

The stove was off, but had some pancakes stacked up on a different plate.

Pulse watched as Ulysses grabbed some tongs with a paw, and delicately picked up a pancake with them.

He moved the pancake onto a different plate and turned to Hasira.

"How many pancakes do you want, young Vee?" The Hypno asked with a small smile.

The Eevee was drooling, a drop of drool hanging from the corner of her mouth as she eyed the pancake.

She shook herself out of her thoughts of pancake, and lifted a paw.

"Three." She responded with a ravenous glance towards the pile of nine or ten pancakes that were still available.

"Coming right up, kid."

Ulysses continued to grab two more pancakes and placed the two warm fluffy onto the same plate as the first one.

He then carefully shuffled over to her, his paws skidding slightly on the ground as he didn't really walk correctly.

He was scuffling his feet on the ground. He wasn't even lifting his paws or going through the effort in order to do so. He was just walking like he was old.

He sure is taking his time. Pulse noted with a slight smile.

Ulysses would make a great parent. Pulse noted.

The way he took care of them like they were his children was quite interesting.

Did the Hypno want children of his own, or was he more of a loner than Pulse thought?

Either way, Pulse did admire some of the things about this Pokémon.

He was curious like most adults, but he was also cautious and allowed for them to not tell him things.

He will never know I am a murderer. He could have known if he wasn't so nice, but now he's fostering and helping some villains.

Ulysses gently set down the plate of pancakes in front of Hasira. She was still drooling.

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