Chapter Twenty-Two

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For years, Pulse and Jabetu had been running. They both evolved for one last time, their romance was something unheard of.

The eggs they've collected haven't had a chance to hatch.

Their ultimate decision on the matter was to send Jabetu to a secret location where she would be busy with hatching and taking care of them until they were old enough to continue their legacy.

This was actually the one month anniversary since they've split up to do their own thing.

Pulse had set out to find another possible Pokémon to train in the destruction of the Starter Squad.

Paarthurnax was fully evolved by now, and had been chasing him frivolously until Pulse had finally managed to escape though a secret tunnel in a bush.

Now, he was padding through a very secluded area. It was sandy and dry.

I hate being sandy and dry. He thought as he put a paw over his head to keep the sandstorm out of his eyes.

It was quiet for the most part.

His last apprentice, Rau, was done with her training.

She had finally come crawling back when she was kicked out of starter squad. She had evolved to a Greninja and was a cool black color.

She was kicked out of the squad for multiple reasons.

One of those reasons was because she had gone on a temper tantrum when they told her she couldn't stay because she had fully evolved.

That much Pulse knew was unfair.

Most of the starters accepted it, but some started to rebuttal or attack the squad for not letting them stay.

Rau was one of the worst ones.

When she evolved she thought she would be even more useful.

She had been capturing villains.

In fact, she mostly captured high ranks, but once Pulse heard she had caught Hasira, who had apparently turned to a life of crime and murder once she learned Pulse had been kicked out of Poketown.

She almost murdered Carrion, and Pulsd applauded her for that. Though, he wished she actually was able to kill him because then it would be one less really strong Pokémon he had to deal with.

Out of all the Pokémon he fought from the squad the two he faced the most nowadays was Carrion and Nami, who evolved into Venasaur and Blastoise respectively.

They were the ones did most of Paarthurnax's dirty work.

Pulse knew it was only a matter of time.

He prayed he could find a Pokémon who was a starter who he could trick.

He tried a whole bunch more with some starters, but they all were weighed afraid and ran away—like they should be, or tried to capture him.

There was the occasion where one was interested, but they always said no because they thought it was a lost cause.

Pulse continued to miserably walk through the desert.

He was hoping maybe there'd be a starter here.

After the defeat of Pulse and his team all those years ago by Rau, and Akaldeep and Ciaran were captured, Ciaran had joined their team.

Well, he aided them on occasion.

He wanted to do his own work alone.

He told them that a Police Officer had killed his parents and that's why he was at the cemetery that day.

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