Chapter Fifty Eight

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Toshinori's POV

I woke with a start as I heard one of the twins cry on the baby monitor. That was unusual, Ellie seemed to have some kind of crazy sixth sense about the kids and would run to them before they could cry. I sat up and glanced over at Ellie. She was sound asleep, curled tightly in a ball and letting out the softest cutest snoring sound, a testament to how exhausted she was. Careful not to wake her, I tucked the blankets around her before hopping out of bed to check on the twins.

When I got to the nursery the crying ceased and the twins looked to the doorway before simultaneously crying. "Ah- that hurts." I groaned as I realized they had been hoping for Ellie. "Sorry, Mommy Might is tired today, we have to let her sleep." I attempted to calm them down.

This did absolutely nothing to quell them and they both let out a shriek before wailing away.I panicked and started picking up various plushies to wave around and distract them so they wouldn't wake Ellie.

"No,no, don't cry, Ducky Might is here." I held up a plush duck wearing an All Might costume.

They paid no mind to Ducky Might.

I dropped the duck and held up a bear wearing an All Might costume, "how about Bear Might?"

The twins kept wailing.

I scrambled for another plush that one of Ellie's students had gotten the twins. It was a bright green alligator wearing a lady might costume, "Gator Might?" I shook it and the rattle inside made a noise. The twins halted their screaming and both reached for the plush in my hand. I panicked as I realized I only had one Gator Might and two angry Baby Might's.

I placed Gator Might in Nana's crib only to wince as Eli let out a loud enraged shriek that he definitely learned from his mother. A tiny beam of lightning zapped me in the back.

The door opened behind me and Eli and Nana let out cute little coos of delight. I groaned and turned around ready to grovel and beg forgiveness for waking Ellie up. I was surprised to see Eri wearing her new All Might onesie rubbing sleep from her crimson eyes.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" I asked worried.

She shook her head and bent down to look through the pile of plushies I'd successfully scattered in my panic. A moment later she found a second Gator Might wearing an All Might costume and placed it in Eli's crib.

"Do you three normally get up with Mommy Might around this time?" I asked Eri.

She nodded.

Of course Ellie was super considerate and would let me sleep in. She really was Super Mom and Super Wife. "And what do you usually do first?" I asked Eri before glancing at her nervously wondering if I should have stuck with yes or no questions.

Eri hesitated for a moment before quietly responding, "make breakfast."

"Breakfast seems easy enough, Dad Might can tackle breakfast." I tried to sound confident as I scooped up the twins and their Gator Mights.

Eri followed me downstairs and helped me get the twins comfortably on their play mats. Once they were situated I headed to the kitchen. Eri was a few paces behind me and retrieved a small child sized apron from a hook. She tied it in place before looking at me curiously.

"Am I supposed to wear one too?" I asked, unsure.

She nodded.

I reached for Ellie's apron and chuckled as I realized it was an All Might apron, "I think Mommy Might may be a little bit of a fangirl."

Eri giggled and went to get the ingredients for breakfast while I struggled with the stovetop. After successfully getting it turned on I cranked it up to High. I could sense someone watching me and looked over to see Eri shaking her head at me.

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