Chapter Forty Nine

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Toshinori's POV

"All Might." Someone was shaking me gently. "All Might, we have to do this now, or we could lose them. Please, I need your consent."

Lose them? Nighteye said they'd be babies would be fine...

Everything around me slowed down. All the voices in the crammed Emergency Room had risen to a crescendo of noise and now sounded dull and far away. I saw some kind of clipboard in front of my face. There were a lot of words on it. Someone was tapping a pen to a signature box. I'd been having these random bouts of dissociation where I felt like I wasn't really here. It had been happening ever since I'd gotten the panicked call from Grace.

"What's going on?" A gruff voice sounded from behind me breaking through the fog and darkness. It was the only voice I'd heard clearly since I'd arrived.

I turned and spotted Endeavor out of his costume wearing a pair of expensive looking khakis and a short-sleeved button-down shirt. There was a somewhat feeble looking woman with pale white hair and bags under her steel grey eyes standing at his side looking a little weary. Was that Mrs. Todoroki?

"Todoroki?" I frowned slightly in confusion. What was he doing here?

His angry aqua eyes looked to the clipboard waving in my face, "what's wrong with Ellie?"


My heart clenched in my chest. Ellie. Something was wrong with Ellie.

My phone rang as I was making some adjustments to the nursery. I smiled as I spotted Grace's name flash across the screen, probably to give me an update on Ellie's nap after their spa day. As I reached for the phone, one of the picture frames fell off the wall, the glass cracked and I felt my heart start to race, it seemed ominous somehow. I picked up the phone.

Before I had a chance to say anything Grace was screaming in a panic. "All Might! It's Ellie! She's been hurt! You have to come to the hospital! Please hurry!" Her voice was choked with sobs.

Ellie was hurt.

I don't even remember if I said anything back. I had no idea how I'd gotten to the hospital. Everything after that moment was a blur.

"Snap out of it!" Endeavor roared and the next moment the clipboard that had been hovering in front of me smacked into the side of my head with enough force I toppled out of the waiting room chair I'd dropped into.

I scrambled to grab the clipboard that had cracked into my skull as it fell atop of me. The doctor seemed a little wary of Endeavor's method but said nothing. He cleared his throat and turned his gaze back to me.

"We need to do an emergency c-section, but we need your consent." He said solemnly.

My hands shook as I reached for the clipboard. It rattled in my hands as I tried to focus on where to sign. A finger appeared in my line of sight and aggressively pointed to the signature line. I managed to scribble my signature on it and handed the clipboard back to the doctor. My voice was weak as I spoke, "please, save my Ellie..."

"We'll do everything we can." He assured me and gave my shoulder a squeeze before racing away to the operating room.

A moment later a strong hand gripped me by the arm and gruffly pulled me to my feet. "You really are useless." Endeavor grumbled as he steered me after the doctor. I noticed the woman who had been with him was now gone. What was he doing?

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