Chapter Twenty Two

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Ellie's POV

I woke with a start to find Toshinori laying next to me staring at me with the same cheesy smile I'd woken up to for the past week. Before he could open his mouth to ask me the same question he'd asked me every day since we'd started trying for a baby, I smacked him in the face with my pillow. "It's only been a week! Go back to school if you don't understand basic human reproduction!" My face burned with heat and I rolled over turning my back to him.

A small smile claimed my lips as I felt his arms encircle me dragging me to him nestling me against his warm body. Relaxing in his arms, I closed my eyes ready to drift back to sleep only to groan as my alarm sounded from the nightstand on my side of the bed. Reluctantly, I pulled myself away from Toshinori and smacked my alarm clock a little more aggressively than I had meant to, causing the nightstand to give a groan of protest and the alarm to sink in to the wooden surface creating faint indents.

"What's wrong?" Toshinori asked worried.

"The kids are starting their internships today." I said softly as worry wormed through me. They were still so young and had so much to learn.

Toshinori smiled, "Are you worried about them?"

"Pfft. No." I attempted to shrug it off. "Deliver a message to that geezer for me. If Midoriya ends up in the hospital again, someone is answering to me for it. Whether it's you, the geezer or Midoriya someone is going to be in big trouble."

Toshinori paled, "Why me?"

"You're his mentor." I glowered before going to change.

"Maybe Ellie should deliver her message to Gran Torino..." Toshinori grimaced.

"Are you more afraid of the geezer or your wife?" I challenged him as I stepped out of the closet with my hands on my hips not looking very intimidating in just my cute heart panties and matching bra.

Toshinori chuckled, "I'm afraid if I answer that question my adorable wife is going to send me flying through a wall..."

I rolled my eyes and stomped back into the closet to find clothes. "I'm not sure why you're afraid of that geezer in the first pla-AH!" My foot caught the edge of the stupid swing Toshinori had tried to put together and stopped putting together after I yelled at him and apparently tried to hide it in the closet. I toppled forward and nearly smacked face first into a shelf but felt a strong arm encircle my waist keeping me from harm. "THROW THAT RIDICULOUS THING OUT!" I snapped causing Toshinori to chuckle.

"I'll talk to Gran Torino." He reassured me as he steadied me and kissed the top of my head calming me down and tactfully avoided my order.

"Thank you."

"Where are you taking young Shinso to?" Toshinori asked as with a laugh as I stuffed myself into some baggy dark clothes with a hood to keep myself mostly concealed.

"Somewhere I'm not entirely welcome." I grumbled.

Toshinori chuckled, "Where might that be?"

"A little town not too far away where I may have destroyed their entire harbor a decade ago...and hospitalized most of the local heroes when they tried to apprehend me..."

Toshinori shook his head at this not sure whether to laugh or be concerned for my wellbeing. "Will you be alright?"


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