Chapter Two

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~Ellie's POV~

It took me nearly two weeks to take care of everything, putting things in storage packing essentials to move into our new apartment and getting everything moved out of the old place. Toshinori hadn't even been in Musutafu for more than a week before he'd found a potential candidate for him to pass down One for All. Moving to a bigger city made me nervous. There were more villains and even more Pro Heroes, someone was bound to recognize me from my days of villainy or my days of being a vigilante which still constituted as being a villain.

By the time I arrived at the new apartment, he'd managed to completely destroy it. There were instant meal packages everywhere. I couldn't help but smile to myself at least there was something he needed me for, even if it made me feel somewhat like a kept housewife. I cleaned up the mess and unpacked the few boxes I'd brought with me to find the kitchen supplies I'd brought. After checking the fridge and cupboards I groaned to myself, he had absolutely nothing to prepare a real meal with.

"That man, I swear." I grumbled under my breath as I left the apartment in search of a grocery store.

There was a small locally owned grocery store a block away from the new apartment. They had decent prices and it didn't seem all that busy. It didn't take me long to find everything I needed. Without incident I purchased the groceries and returned to the apartment to prepare a few lunches. Toshinori was already quick at work to train the boy he'd picked as his protégé. The boy was finishing up with middle school and training with Toshinori in hopes to pass UA's entrance exam.

Once I'd packed up the lunches I prepared, I headed for a nearby beach where I knew they'd be. If he could find a way to train the boy and do something for the betterment of the community he would. That was just the kind of man he was. When I arrived at the beach, I spotted Toshinori in his weakened form sitting atop an ancient looking refrigeration unit. My gaze fell on a small teenage boy with a cute spattering of freckles across his face and unruly dark green hair. The boy looked to be struggling with the training but there was so much determination and drive in his bright green eyes I couldn't help but want to cheer him on.

I held the lunches in my hand before using my free hand to call forth a gust of wind. A strong gale force wind swept past me and carried the lunches to Toshinori and his protégé. Toshinori struggled to catch his lunch and glanced upward. He smiled as his gaze fell on me and he opened his mouth to alert his protégé. I frowned at this and shook my head at him before disappearing in another swirling gust of wind.

That idiot had already shared enough secrets with the boy. He trusted him so quickly with the secret of his weakened form and information about One for All. Even if the child was his biggest fan as he claimed, that didn't mean he'd accept his choice in a wife.

I returned to the city careful to keep my head down and not make eye contact with anyone. It would only cause Toshinori trouble if someone recognized me. Most of the world was under the impression I'd disappeared. Once Toshinori and I had gotten married, I stopped going out in public as much as I could to try to make things easier for him. He was constantly in the spot light, I couldn't ruin anything for him.

Out of the corner of my eye I spotted a shop for educators and smiled softly to myself as I thought of buying Toshinori a fancy teaching briefcase and possibly some books for him to read as I knew he was nervous about teaching. He often overthought things which caused him to go a little overboard at times. I stepped into the shop and bowed my head politely as the shopkeeper greeted me.

It was a small shop, there were only a few aisles of supplies and books. There weren't many other patrons in the store. I made my way to the aisle with the bags and briefcases to see what I could find. After a few minutes of searching, I felt a strange yet somewhat familiar sensation, as if my quirk had been erased. I tensed and looked away from the bags to find a man, two years my senior, standing at the end of the aisle.

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