Chapter Twenty Three

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Ellie's POV

Flashback Age: 18

I jolted awake, the last thing I remembered was one of the Pharmatech goons taking a swing at my head with a lead pipe. There was crusted blood beneath my nose and at the corner of my lips it was dry and made my skin itch. As I tried to reach up to scratch at it, I found my wrists bound. Terror gripped me as I fought my bonds, to no avail. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the din. I was underground somewhere, it looked like a warehouse but there were no windows, just brick walls, some cargo boxes in one corner and a door in the opposite corner that looked like it led to a stairwell going up.

The cold metal chair, I was tied to was hard and uncomfortable. My bonds were too tight and had begun to tear into my skin with each attempt to struggle free. There was a crude gag shoved into my mouth and tied tightly behind my head, I could feel it digging into the sensitive skin at the corners of my mouth, already starting to bruise.

Rage burned through me as I heard a hushed voice from the other side of the door. "Tell the boss, we caught the little Tornado that's been causing him trouble. We've got her all tied up for him to have some fun."

I struggled harder, thrashing against my bonds. The metal chair I was bound to slid a few inches with a loud shrieking grating sound as the metal scraped against the concrete floor.

"Sounds like she's awake." The voice guffawed.

Blood seeped down my wrists as the bonds broke through skin. I could feel the warm viscous substance seeping down to my fingertips. Strong gusts of wind raged around me with a howl rattling the door leading to the stairs.

"Shit. I got to go." My captor hung up the phone and peered at me through the window of the door. "You're not getting away this time, little girl!"

The raging winds let out an eerie howl as they swept around me creating a powerful vortex. The ceiling above me groaned in protest.

"HEY! Stop that!" The man yelled as the ceiling above me began to break apart. My winds began to pick up debris as they surged upward. If I could break through the roof of the building it would surely alert someone to investigate the warehouse, they'd find illegal substances in a Pharmatech owned warehouse in Pharmatech crates.

As the vortex of screaming winds reached toward the roof of the ceiling, I felt the ground beneath me begin to shift and the metal chair fell. I screamed against my gag as I felt myself begin to fall. The man who'd captured me had some kind of earth, stone or cement quirk and was able to manipulate the ground beneath me. I fell into a pit and cracked my skull on a jutting jagged rock on the way down before slipping into darkness as my raging winds dwindled to nothing.

In the darkness, I heard a familiar booming voice call my name. When I came to, I found myself lying on a cold stone floor covered in dirt and debris from the creation of the pit I'd fallen into. Still secured to the metal chair, I attempted to flop onto my side to get the pressure off my hands as they were both throbbing in pain and I could feel the warm sticky blood littered with dirt and grime clinging to my numb hands.

From the sounds above me, it sounded as if there was a fight going on. I felt my heart flutter in my chest, I'd heard All Might's voice as I'd slipped from consciousness. Why was he here? Why was he still following me?

"TEXAS SMASH!" His voice boomed overhead followed by an explosion of force that shook the ground around me and caused more dirt and pebbles to fall around me.

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