Chapter Fourteen

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Shota's POV

Flashback: Shota Age 9 (Ellie and Eli Age 7)

The twins next door, were a peculiar pair. They didn't act like any siblings I'd ever known. Eli, the male twin was over protective of his 'little' sister. He was taller than most children his age and had unruly dark raven hair and deep blue eyes. His demeanor was almost always pleasant and polite he could make friends with just about anyone. Ellie, the female twin, didn't speak to anyone except for her brother, the neighborhood children all thought she was mute for the longest time as she'd only communicate by whispering to her brother. She was a strange girl, my parents told me she had a poor constitution, there were nights when they were younger that Eli would stay with us as his parents rushed Ellie to the hospital whenever she'd have an episode. She was weak, fragile and almost always sick. Most of the other kids thought she was weird because she rarely got to go outside and play and when she did she only talked to her brother.

At four years old, Eli had awoken his quirk, as most children did, he had a lightning quirk and could control electrical currents and even make lightning strike from the sky. It was a powerful quirk that could cause serious damage even at such a young age. Ellie never developed a quirk, giving the rest of the kids more reasons to tease her. There were several kids in the neighborhood that terrorized the girl mercilessly whenever she was well enough to leave the house. Eli always jumped to her rescue and though he was a passive person and didn't like violence he often fought for her honor.

I looked away from my small cluster of friends as we gathered at a nearby park as I heard a soft childish cry. There were a few older kids not from our neighborhood and one of them had just pushed down frail little Ellie. If my parents were here they'd be scolding me telling me to intervene and help the girl but all I could do was watch. I tensed as Eli abandoned his game with his friends and raced toward the older kids with a yell.

"LEAVE MY SISTER ALONE!" He took a swing at the boy who'd pushed Ellie but he was smaller and easily overpowered.

The older kid who'd pushed Ellie caught Eli by the shirt front and punched him in the face. There was a sickening crack of bone and blood gushed from his nostrils. He fell back, and managed to stay in a semi-crouch in front of Ellie to shield her from the bullies. My body wouldn't move, even though I considered Eli a friend, all I could do was watch as things began to unfold.

"Eli!" Ellie's soft voice cried as tears welled in her dark oceanic eyes.

The three bullies lumbered forward. They were going to beat him up but I couldn't move. Eli struggled to get to his feet and held his arms out on either side completely shielding Ellie from them. "Get away from my sister, I don't care what you jerks do to me, leave Ellie alone." His nose was still bleeding profusely and dripping down his chin, staining the front of his white t-shirt.

The ring leader of the group grabbed him by his bloody shirt front. Scrawny, feeble Ellie attempted to attack the older boys though her hits did nothing. Tears streamed down her pale cheeks. "NO! Leave Eli alone!"

A strange gust of wind rustled through the park causing many of the children to scream and scatter. It was a strong violent wind that toppled smaller children over. What was it? Where did it come from?

"What can you do about it, brat?" One of the bigger kids shoved Ellie back, she toppled backward onto the gravel covered ground. The ring leader lifted Eli off his feet but before he could do anything, Ellie let out a scream of rage.

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