Chapter Fifty One

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~Ellie's POV~

The babies and I had to stay in the hospital for a week. Due to the poison that had been on the blade I'd been cut with; I was unable to breastfeed until it was cleared from my system. It lingered in my system for a few days even after I'd come back to consciousness after the procedure. When my system was finally cleared, neither of the babes would latch. I felt like a failure as a mother, I couldn't breastfeed my children. It hurt. I was lacking as a mother and I'd only been at it for a few days.

Seeing how distraught I was at the news, Toshinori and all the medical staff tried to reassure me that formula feeding had already been working so well since they were already growing so much and that thousands of children had to be formula fed. They tried to reassure me that it was just as nutritional and there weren't any major drawbacks aside from the bonding time, I would have gotten with them which tore my heart out.

I got visitors daily at all hours of the day. Shota was a frequent visitor taking his role as Godfather very seriously. There were brief moments where he'd display such a violent overprotectiveness when anyone aside from me or Toshinori wanted to hold the babies that made me wonder if he was confused about which type of Godfather role he was supposed to play. Shinso and Midoriya frequently visited. Grace hardly ever left the room and had resorted to bunking at Midnight's place since it was within walking distance of the hospital.

Naomasa was one of my most frequent visitors to check in on me, Toshinori and the kids. He also came to ask me a bunch of questions about what had happened. Aside from those they already knew about from the League the other guys didn't ring a bell. The Yakuza were always pretty careful about covering up their tracks and had been flying under the radar.

Present Mic visited once but didn't return as he'd startled me awake and I nearly sent him flying out the window. Endeavor surprisingly showed up twice and looked embarrassed at having been caught both times. I'd suspected he was trying to do his visiting while I was asleep so he could just check on my condition and leave. It was oddly sweet but also kind of gave me the heebie jeebies as he was still not that high on my favorite people list. After Toshinori told me how Endeavor had helped him through everything, he'd moved up in rank he was somewhere in the middle no longer hated but not liked either.

Bakugo visited almost every night around the same time, his first visit he chewed me out, got zapped by the babies and left. His second visit he was quiet. By his fourth visit he was willing to grumble at me and even held the babies though they both zapped him which was quite comical. Toru and Ojiro visited together a few times along with the rest of the first years.

The most surprising visitor was Nighteye. He brought me some flowers and two plush baby safe ducks for the kids and sat with us for a while, not saying much. He and Toshinori sat in an uncomfortable awkward silence most the time. He cooed at the babies and asked me the expected questions how I was feeling and all that boring stuff and completely ignored Toshinori.

I made an interesting observation through our never-ending visits with all our worried friends and students. The babies would zap everyone with their quirk, except for me. Toshinori was usually exempt as well but if he said something that flustered me, Eli would zap him. This realization gave me a little shred of hope that I wasn't as much of a failure of a mother as I had thought.

When I was finally able to return home, with the babies, there was an army of people waiting to offer their help to get us all home. Even if I gave them all one item to carry of all the items that were sent home with me and the babies, I'd have more people than items. I hadn't realized there were so many people who cared so much about our family. All the students were there, Endeavor was there, Shota, Present Mic, Midnight, and Grace were there. Most surprising of all, Nighteye was there for a brief moment but disappeared after realizing there was a helpful mob already at our beck and call. Shota managed to get almost everyone cleared out pretty quickly. As he tried to send Shinso away though, he fell into Shinso's trap and wound up getting caught in his quirk before being told to sit quietly on the sidewalk.

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