Chapter Fifty Three

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~Ellie's POV~

The following weekend, I woke with a start as I'd been dozing off half slumped across the kitchen counter while Eli and Nana lay nearby on their little playmats cooing at each other in their adorable private language. There was a knock at the door. I paused to listen wondering if I was just hearing things. The knock turned much more aggressive and rattled the entire door.

"What the hell?" I grumbled under my breath and pushed away from the counter wondering how I hadn't hit the floor in my exhausted state. Some of my hair was stuck to my face, I'd apparently been drooling in my weird not asleep state of exhaustion. Eli and Nana were feeling colicky and were up crying most the night and nothing Toshinori or I did seemed to help.

We hadn't been getting much sleep. I slowly made my way to the door as whoever was knocking seemed ready to kick down the door. Wiping the drool off my mouth and pushing my hair out of my face, I reached for the door. I wrenched it open ready to send whoever it was flying only to frown as I spotted the anger management hedgehog and icy hot standing on my doorstep.

"I assume you're not selling cookies." I frowned as I noticed they were empty handed. What the hell were they doing here?

"WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN, HAG?!" Bakugo snarled as Todoroki took a moment to work out what I'd said before looking momentarily offended.

I rolled my eyes at his outburst, "fine, if you're not selling cookies, what are you brats doing here? Answer quickly I'm tired, I'm cranky and I'm in no mood for bullshit."

"And that's different from any other time?" Bakugo huffed.

"Careful Anger Management Hedgehog or you're going to get a flying lesson." I scowled.

Deciding it best to intervene before I made good on my threat or Bakugo attacked me, Todoroki spoke up. "All Might told us to meet him here."

"Huh? For what? When? Why?" I looked around wildly, Toshinori had left an hour ago to go to the store and didn't tell me when he'd be back, he was going to get some more things for the babies and some groceries for us, I didn't know how long that was going to take!

Both teens looked to me confused. "He didn't tell you?" Todoroki frowned.

"Obviously not." I growled.

"He's supposed to help us with our people skills today." Todoroki added.

I realized his plan immediately. He thought if he surprised us all, they'd have to deal with me being a grouch and two colicky newborns. "He's in so much trouble." I stepped inside and held the door open, "fine, get in here."

"Where is All Might?" Bakugo asked looking annoyed as he realized Toshinori was nowhere in sight.

"At the store, he'll be back soon." I shrugged and pointed to the giant couch, "sit."

Todoroki shrugged and sat down without complaint. Bakugo turned on me with a growl, "I'm not taking orders, hag!"

At the sound of his yelling, Nana started to cry which upset Eli who also began to cry. I threw an icy glare in Bakugo's direction, "if you like breathing, I suggest you quiet the parasites down before I rip you into tiny little pieces and scatter you across the fucking globe." I hissed.

His eyes widened a fraction as he realized in my sleep deprivation, I wasn't joking. I was at my limit. He shut his mouth and stomped over to the babies. Once he reached their playmats he froze not sure of what to do and scowled down at them.

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