Chapter Twenty One

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A/N: Super short, but really funny haha .... Let hilarity ensue

Ellie's POV

               First thing on Monday morning, I marched into Nezu's office still red faced from my morning awakening. Toshinori was awake before me and grinning at me like a complete fool asking me if I felt any different yet, we'd tried, once the night before. Though I'd never admit it aloud, I found it cute how excited he was even if he was taking it to the extreme. He always put his all into everything he did, so I shouldn't have expected any less.

               Nezu looked up curiously from his desk and smiled as he spotted me before taking in my possibly forever stained cheeks that were still a bright red. "Everything alright, Ellie?"

               "Don't start." I glowered causing him to chuckle.

               He waited patiently for me to flop into the chair across from him deciding it best not to poke at me with any questions. Once I had sat down, he motioned to a cup of tea placed in front of me, did he know I was coming to see him?

               "I'd like to make a request."

               "What can I do for you, Ellie?" Nezu beamed.

               "Stop freaking me out for starters." I frowned at his too bright expression causing him to chuckle, "I know that class 1A and class 1B are going to be participating in internships, I'd like special permission to allow Hitoshi Shinso to also participate in an internship."

               "The boy you've been training from your general studies class?" He asked curiously.


               "Are you sure he's ready for that?" Nezu pondered.

               "I think he deserves the same chance as any of the hero class students, even if its just a small agency in some tiny city..."

               "If I agree, it's got to be kept quiet."

               "Fine with me." I shrugged, it's not like I liked talking to people anyway.

               "He did get some offers." Nezu pointed and I couldn't help but smile, Shinso would be so happy to hear that.

               "Once the hero class has picked their agencies, I'll send you a list of agencies that won't have a chance of crossing any of the others' paths and you can go over it with him." Nezu agreed.

               "Thanks, furball." I got to my feet and exited his office.

               Midnight was waiting for me on the other side of the door, "How goes the baby mak-?" She was sent flying as my cheeks burned and I bolted away.

               I found Shinso waiting for our morning training on one of the many practice fields. This school was way too big. Even now, I was still losing my way. He looked up as I approached.

               "Why's your face all red?"

               "None of your damn business, brat."

               Shinso chuckled but decided it best to leave it alone. "You're late, did you get lost again?"

               "Say one more thing and you're going for a swim." I glowered.

               "If you can find the pond." Shinso cracked testing my patience.

               "You know, I came here with the intention of telling you I'd just got that stupid furball to agree to let you do an internship, like the hero course is, but if you'd rather be a smart ass I guess instead we can just have a week of grueling training." I huffed.

               His eyes grew wide, "...really? You did? He said yes?"

               "Yes. Yes. And yes."

               Shinso darted toward me and I instinctively deflected his hug, catching him by the face and holding him at bay. He chuckled as he retreated, "Thanks, Ellie."

               "Whatever." I grumbled, "Let's work on hand to hand combat, you left yourself too open during your match with Midoriya."

               After about an hour of training, more accurately an hour of Shinso acting as my human punching bag, I sent him on his way to see Recovery Girl before preparing for my day of lessons and one on one training with some of the other students who'd sought me out for help. Toshinori had lunch with Midoriya so I didn't see him the entire day, though did find a plethora of cheesy sticky notes plastered to my desk in the teacher's office along with a small vase of bright flowers and couldn't help but smile.

               The rest of the day went by quickly. By the time I'd finished all of my after-school training sessions, it was after dark. I returned home to our apartment and heard Toshinori in the bedroom. I dumped my stuff on the dining table and headed for the bedroom to find Toshinori in his skeletal form staring in frustration at an instruction manual trying to put something together.

               "What's that?" I asked him curiously.

               "An anniversary gift for us." His gaunt face was screwed up in concentration as he tried to read the instruction manual that appeared to have no pictures and be in some foreign language.

               "Our anniversary is months away." I noted as I stared at all the odd pieces and parts he was struggling with, "What is it?"

               "She said it was a bedroom swing." Toshinori pointed still looking confused.

               "Because porch swings weren't enough? Now people need swings inside the house." I scoffed, "Is this a new fad? Are there swings for every room now?"

               "I'm not really sure. I could ask Midnight." Toshinori shrugged.

               My body suddenly burned as realization hit me. "Midnight gave that to you?" I choked.

               Toshinori nodded and looked to me worriedly noting the redness of my face.

               "So, you're currently putting together a sex swing, in our bedroom." My voice took on an iciness and at hearing the words and finally realizing what it was he was trying to put together, Toshinori's face flushed scarlet and he dropped what he was doing with a yelp.

               "W-what? W-why would she-?" Toshinori stammered adorably.

               "She's so dead. Throw it out!" I hissed.

               "But it was a gift you're not supposed to throw gifts away." Toshinori called after me as I turned on my heel to go to the kitchen too embarrassed to face him.

               "We're not keeping it! That's how hoarding happens and if we're going to be hoarders I refuse to be the kinky sex toy hoarders!" I snapped causing Toshinori to laugh hysterically. I covered my face with my hands not sure whether to laugh at the absurdity of it all, hunt down Midnight, die of embarrassment or throw the stupid swing out the window and pray it hit a pervert and make their day.

               Toshinori, recovering from his laughter, stepped into the kitchen to find me slumped on the floor with my head in my hands in the process of dying from pure mortification. He swept me into his arms, cradling me against him and kissed the top of my head.

               "Don't accept anymore gifts from Midnight, ever." I grumbled.

               "I'll do my best...The card makes more sense now." Toshinori noted absently.

               "Ugh, what did it say?"

               "Hope this helps with the baby... I thought it meant like rocking the baby..."

               "Toshinori...I love you, but you're an idiot sometimes." I huffed.

Video- Make My Story (Eng Vers) Cover Performed by Jonathan Young (who also does some pretty good 'metal' Disney covers, not what I call metal, but what he calls metal haha.. if you want real metal let me know hahaha)

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