Chapter Fifty

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A/N: Sorry this one is super short but I didn't want to write a lot of hospital scenes so, I just wanted the wake up scene and then I'm moving on and just going to gloss over hospital stuffs haha Enjoy adorable photos as an apology for the short chapter but I hope it's sweet enough to make up for it being so short... ^-^

~Ellie's POV~

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~Ellie's POV~

I woke to the sound of hushed voices and the cries of an infant that were mirrored by the cries of a second infant. There was a slightly numbed ache in my abdomen as if I'd been cut open. Panic settled in as I realized I couldn't feel anything, there was no fluttering movement in my belly any longer. Panic began to turn to anguish and I opened my eyes and tried to sit up. Strong hands gently caught me by the shoulders and held me in place. The moment my eyes opened the crying stopped. My eyes wildly searched the room and I relaxed momentarily as I saw Toshinori leaning over me looking as if he hadn't slept in days.

He looked so relieved to see me awake, he slumped onto the bed next to me finally giving into his exhaustion. "Ellie," he kissed my forehead tenderly, "thank you, for coming back to me and blessing me with the greatest gifts any man could ever ask for." The babies were here?! Were they okay?! They must be okay, Toshinori wouldn't be reacting this way if they weren't okay.

As he slumped next to me, I looked beyond him to find Midoriya and Shinso being coached by Grace on how to properly hold babies. They each had a tiny bundle in their arms. They looked over at me as the infants in their arms looked my way. Their beautiful blue eyes a blend of mine and Toshinoris, pale bright blue around the outer edges and dark oceanic blue near the pupils. My heart swelled in my chest overflowing with so much emotion I thought it might burst. Tears welled in my eyes as they moved closer.

"Hey Sensei, this one is already a little terror. He zapped me when I tried to feed him." Shinso grumbled with a tearful smile as he handed me the tiny bundle with a head of dark hair. He was the spitting image of Eli and I choked on a sob as I cradled him in my arms.

"Thanks brat. Thought you were turning down the honorary big brother role." I sniffled.

"They're obviously going to need me in their lives, you'll just let them run amok." Shinso pretended there was something in his eye to wipe away the tears he'd shed. "Now do us all a favor and stop worrying everyone." He grumbled before turning to walk away.

Midoriya was a sobbing mess as he approached me with a tiny blonde headed bundle. "Ellie!" Was all he could get out before he was gone in a gibberish muttering heap. He managed to hand me the second bundle before he broke down.

Once the babies were both laying atop my chest they cooed softly and I felt my heart swell as their tiny hands linked overtop of me before they began to drift to sleep. I shifted so I could keep a grip on them both with one arm before reaching over the edge of the hospital bed to ruffle Midoriya's unruly dark green hair.

"Thanks for watching over everyone for me, Midoriya and tell Shinso I said thanks as well, though I'm sure he's listening outside the door." I smiled over at him with tears in my eyes knowing he and Shinso must have been a great help to Toshinori.

Shinso said nothing but I heard him slowly walk away and smiled softly to myself. Midoriya sobbed harder getting snot and tears all over the bed. I watched with a frown as the puddle of tears and snot slowly got closer to me.

"Okay, enough of that!" A gentle wind caressed his face trying to dry away the tears and snot before it could reach me.

Midoriya straightened himself up and wiped his face on his sleeve. "I'm just so happy you're all going to be okay." He sniffled.

"Thanks, Midoriya." I ruffled his hair once more before reaching over to get him a tissue to mop up his face with.

Grace smiled softly before ushering him out of the room. There were tears in her bright green eyes. "I have a long list of people to call. I'm so happy you're awake Ellie." She sniffled.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked her somewhat afraid to hear the answer.

"Three and a half days." Grace replied with a quiver in her lips, "I was so worried you wouldn't wake up but I tried so hard to be positive and strong for them." She motioned to my sleeping family crowding my hospital bed.

"Thanks for taking care of things for me." I smiled.

"Anything for you." She returned my smile with a very teary one of her own. "I might delay my calls for a bit so you can have a minute alone with your family."

"Thanks, Grace."

She nodded and left the room closing the door behind her.

I sank back into my bed and hugged the tiny bundles close. Looking down at the sleeping infants and over at Toshinori sound asleep at my side I felt something well up inside of me. A strong sense of determination and an overwhelming need to keep them all safe. I kissed the tops of the babies' heads before whispering softly, making sure Toshinori was asleep and couldn't hear, "Mommy Might will always keep you all safe. No one will ever hurt you. If anyone tries, I'll rip them apart."

"I knew you liked the name, Mommy Might." Toshinori smiled softly beside me as he snuggled closer to me deciding against commenting on my violent words.

"Ah! You were supposed to be sleeping!" I squealed as my face flushed scarlet.

He opened his eyes though it appeared to be somewhat strenuous. The look he gave me took my breath away, it was filled with so much love I really thought my heart might burst in my chest. My heart was too full of love. I had never known I could feel this much love before, the love I had for Toshinori, Eli and Nana was unlike anything I'd ever felt before. It was almost like I had no idea what love truly was until I was holding our children in my arms.

"I love you." We said simultaneously with tears in our eyes.

Toshinori smiled and propped himself up to steal my lips in a sweet kiss. "Ellie truly is the number one wife."

"I-idiot!" My face burned and I forced myself to look away from him and turned my gaze to the tiny infants sleeping atop my chest.

He protectively wrapped an arm around me as he laid by my side careful to avoid touching any tender areas. His arm gently cradled me and the babies filling me with warmth and love. I smiled softly, relaxed in his embrace and allowed myself to drift back to sleep with my family.

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