Chapter 17

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Paxton Clark


I watch as a bunch of paramedics takes Ivy away on the stretcher, I try my best to fight back my tears as I look down at the blood on my hands and shirt. I sigh before walking back into the waiting room and taking a seat next to three guys. I sat next to a tall brunette guy who had blood on his shirt too. I don't say anything to him and just stare down at my bloody hands.

I can't lose her. I won't be able to live without her.

"You okay?" I hear a voice next to me.

I look over and my eyes meet the brunette boy next to me. I look him up and down.

"Are you okay?" I ask back.

"My girlfriend got hit by a drunk driver." He says.

"I'm sorry, man." I say.

He shrugs and stares down at his lap.

"The girl I love got shot." I tell him.

"Oh." He says as he stares at me in shock.

I nod

"I'm so sorry." he goes on.

"She's strong. I know she is, nothing can stop that girl." I explain as I stare at my hands again.

"How long have you been dating for?" He asks.

"We aren't dating, but I've been in love with her since we were 16." I tell him as I look back at him

"Does she know that?"

"She doesn't remember me from then." I say.

He frowns.

"Our story is complicated." I add.

It was true, our story was all over the place, if someone asked me about how it all started I wouldn't know where to begin.

"What about your girl?" I ask, trying to change the topic.

"I've been in love with her since freshman year of high school, we recently found out that we grew up together but I thought we met in high school. She was my best friend before she was my girlfriend." He explains.

I could tell he was in love, the same type of love as me. It made me feel less alone in a way.

I smile.

"Friends to lovers, huh?" I sneer.

He nods.

"I'm Lucifer, but I go by Luc." He introduces himself.

I chuckle, I liked his name. It was different, in a good way.

"Paxton." I replied.

He nods

"You should tell your girl that you love her." He says.

"She hates me." I laughed.

"I doubt it. I'm so glad I told mine how I felt."

"Not all of us are that lucky, Lucifer." I told him.

"You never know." He shrugged.

"What's your special girl's name?" I question.

"Kiara. What about yours?" He replies.

"Ivy." I answer.

He smiles.

"We are some lucky men." He goes on.

I laugh. We were. I was the luckiest man alive to have her in my life

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