Chapter 71

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Ivy Moore


"Look at that guy's costume." Paxton says as he points to a guy wearing a weird monkey suit.

I laugh.

"He looks like Curious George." He jokes.

"Don't be mean, Paxton." I tell him as I hit his chest slightly.

"Am I wrong?" He says.

I roll my eyes playfully.

We were walking around time square and exploring the city before I took him back to L.A.

"You're an idiot." I sneer.

"Poison Ivy." He blurts out.

I look up at him and frown.

"What?" I question.

"Get it? You're like Poison Ivy, cause your name is Ivy." He explains.

"You're crazy." I laugh as I squeeze his hand.

"Only crazy for you, tesorina." He says before leaning down and placing a kiss on my cheek.

I roll my eyes playfully before looking away to hide my red face.

"Oh my gosh, McDonalds!" Paxton cheers as he points to the McDonald sign in the distance. "Let's go." He says as he guides me through all the people.

We walk in and my ears are filled with chatter.

"I'll order, you go sit down." He tells me.

I nod before finding a small booth near the window.

I looked around the place, there were a pretty good amount of people here. My eyes move around till they land on a man. He was staring me down. I frown at him uncomfortably. I watch him move his gaze up and down my body and raise his eyebrows. I looked over at Paxton who was talking to the worker at the register.

Hurry up, Paxton.

I looked back at the man, he was still staring me down. I moved my hand down to my waistband where my dagger was. I let my hand hover over it as I keep my eyes on the man.

"I got extra nuggets for you. If you don't want them I'll eat them." I hear Paxton say.

I look up to see Paxton placing our food down on the table. He sits down across me and begins to open his box of chicken nuggets.

"Paxton?" I call.

"Yeah." He answers, his mouth full of food.

"There's a man over there, he's staring me down." I tell Paxton.

Paxton stops eating and looks up at me.

"Where?" He asks, sternly.

I nod my head in the direction of the man.

Paxton turns his head and looks at the man who was still staring me down.

I watch Paxton get up and walk over to the man. Paxton said something to the man, he looked serious. I watch Paxton point at me and then at himself, the man begins to talk and starts saying something while pointing at me. I watch Paxton's facial expression change and he smiles.

What was happening?

Before I knew it both of them were walking over to our table.

Paxton stops in front of me and smiles.

"Ivy, this man works for your dad." Paxton explains.

I looked at the man who was smiling at me. I've seen his face before.

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