Paxton Clark
I can't believe it. I knew it. You're alive. You're actually alive. I saw you looking for me, at the police station. Did the security hurt you? I hated the way they dragged you out, it made my blood boil. I hate it when someone hurts you, Ivy. I hate it so much. But once I see you again I'm gonna smother you with kisses. I wish I could tell you that I wasn't in Las Angeles anymore, they brought me back to Chicago. Come here, Ivy. Get me out, I want to hold you again. I still can't believe any of it. My beautiful tesorina is alive and still has hope. I love that you have hope.
-the guy who's in Chicago
I stare up at the ceiling of my cell, smiling like a crazy person.
She was alive. That's all I could think about. She was looking for me, that means she'll get me out of here and we can run away. She's probably looking for me right now, I wish I could call her and tell her that I was back in Chicago. I want to hear her voice, I miss holding her in my arms. I loved when we read books together, I loved her soft lips against mine it drove me nuts.
I hear a bunch of movement from outside my cell.
"Ivy?" I call out as I jolt up in my bed.
I look outside my cell and see Victor sitting in his bed.
"I'm not Ivy, kid." He says.
I sigh and look down at my lap as I run my hands through my hair.
I didn't tell Victor about what I found out, I was scared. I didn't think he'd believe me.
"Yeah?" He replies.
"I need to tell you something" I begin.
"I'm listening."
"She's alive." I blurt out.
Victor looks up at me.
"Who? Ivy?" He questions.
I nod.
"That day in the cafeteria when I got pulled out. They took me to the sheriff because a girl was looking for me in California." I explain.
"Was it Ivy?"
"How do you know?" He asks.
"They showed me camera footage and it was her, the cops were pulling her out. I watched them throw her out."
"I thought she was dead." Victor voiced.
"Same, I guess she survived." I tell him.
Victor nods as he looks down at his lap.
I throw my head back and look up at the ceiling smiling freakishly.
"She's alive. I can't believe it, I want to see her so badly."
"Yeah I know." Victor huffed.
I looked over at him and saw him lying in his bed staring up at the ceiling.
"What's up with you?" I question.
"Nothing. Just leave me alone." He says as he turns, to face the wall.
"You could at least try to seem like you're happy for me." I object at him.
Victor sits up in his bed and glares at me.
"You don't even know for sure she's alive!" He shouts.
I stare at him in shock.
"All you do is blabber about that stupid girl, she doesn't care about you, Paxton! It's been almost a year since the incident, don't you think she'd get you out by now?!" He continues to yell.
I get up and walk over to the cell bars.
"Don't you dare talk about her like that! She does care about me, I know she does! I don't care if it takes her a year or 50 years until she finds me, I will sit here in this stupid cell waiting for her!" I yell back.
"Of course you would! You're crazy! You have no life Paxton, it revolves around her!" He snarled.
"You know what? Just because I didn't end up being an alcoholic and abusing the girl I loved doesn't mean you can just insult me for actually caring for someone and having hope in her, because I know damn well that you will never be capable of actually loving someone!" I snapped.
It falls silent and I glare at Victor, as he looks at me in shock.
I walk away from the bars and get back in bed.
No one can talk about Ivy like that. No one.

RomanceTwo of the most famous gangs filled with some of the best serial killers out there. Ivy Moore, rude, disrespectful but still has the best confidence, she's also the best killer in her gang it would make sense since her dad is the leader. Paxton Clar...