Chapter 27

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I stare at myself in the mirror and feel this weird feeling in my stomach. The green dress looks amazing, I put some of my hair in a small half ponytail and the rest of it falls down onto my shoulder. I look at the bathroom counter and see my green mask sitting there. It had a cool laced flower design all over it, I made sure I didn't have to hold it so I just had to put it over my head to cover my eyes. Paxton and I were getting ready to go to the ball and I was a nervous wreck.

I looked back into the mirror, and I started to question a bunch of things.

Who was Tristen? Was Gage the actual government leader? Was Paxton's uncle in on all of this? Who killed Randy? Why wasn't Paxton confronting William? Why did this Tristen guy want me dead so badly? Did I know him? This is gonna be my last mission. I'm gonna go to art school. What would dad say? Would Paxton stay with me after all of this? I don't wanna lose him. I can't live without him. Ivy stop! You're overthinking.

"Ivy!" I hear Paxton call.

I push my thoughts away and grab my mask and walk out of the bathroom.

I walked across the hotel room where Paxton was standing trying to figure out his tie.

"God why are these stupid things so complicated?" He complains.

I throw my mask on the hotel bed and walk up to Paxton. He turns to me and stares at me like he just saw a ghost.

"What?" I ask.

"Y- you look beautiful." He admires.

I feel my face turn red and I look down at my dress.

"Anyway, let me help you with your tie." I say, trying to change the subject.

Paxton nods as I walk up to him and starts messing with his tie.

It goes silent as I pull at the fabric.

"Can I suggest something?" I say, breaking the silence.


"You really should confront your uncle." I tell him.

Paxton sighs.

"I thought I told you to let this go." He says, his mood completely changing.

"I know but-"

"We don't even know if he actually killed them." He interrupts me.

"It's so obvious Paxton." I say.

Paxton steps back from me and looks down at me.

"What do you want me to do then?" He questions.

"I don't know," I mutter. "I just think you should confront him." I went on.

"Do you think I should kill him?" Paxton blurts out furiously.

"I-I mean maybe." I stutter.

"You want me to kill my uncle?" Paxton snaps.

"That's not-" I get interrupted again.

"That's the problem with open-minded people like you," He begins. "You just never know when to keep your mouth shut!" He snaps.

I look at him and start to feel tears form in my eyes.

Why was he saying all these things to me?

"Screw you, Paxton!" I shout in pain.

"I'm not gonna kill the only person left in my family!" Paxton growls.

I stare at him and try to understand what he was saying.

"I know. I get it, after my mom-"

"No, you don't! You don't understand anything Ivy! You promised me you wouldn't get involved with this! God, you're so nosy! You can't go killing people and expecting that to solve all your problems!" He yells. "We get it, your mom died of cancer, but at least I knew my mother! Your mother is practically a stranger to you!" He objected.

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