Paxton Clark
Dear Ivy,
I'm probably gonna regret writing this but something's really telling me I should. I miss you. It feels weird knowing that you aren't with me anymore. I try to trick myself into thinking you're out in the world having fun, doing art, and making fun memories with your dad. I'm sorry about your dad, watching him die in front of you definitely wouldn't be an easy thing to deal with, but then again you aren't alive so maybe it won't be so hard. I'm surprised they gave us paper to write on here, but I might as well make good use out of it. Am I stupid for writing letters to you? You're dead. I hate that. You shouldn't be dead. I need you, Ivy. Come back.
I sat down at the small circular tables and stared down at my disgusting prison food. I listened to the sounds of chatter around the cafeteria, I tried my best to block all the sounds out but it was no use. Even with all the sound, my thoughts wandered back to my tesorina, she was gone. She left me. Why? I thought she loved me. I need her. I want her. I miss everything about her, her eyes, her smile, her laugh, the way she focused on her missions, the way she loved art. I should have stopped her, it was all my fault.
I closed my eyes as I held back my tears.
"Not hungry, pretty boy?" I hear a familiar voice.
I look up and see a group of three grown men staring down at me, they all were wearing the same orange jumpsuits I was.
"Go away, Victor." I scowl.
"But we just got here." He voiced as he and his friends sat down across from me.
I look up at them and glare
Victor was one of the prisoners here. His cell was right across from mine, I remember the day I met him. I was pushed into the cell and I was screaming and shouting for Ivy but they just kept hitting and pushing me around calling me a psychopath. Victor and his friends, Alan and Joel begged me to tell my story so I did and it ended up being a whole joke to them. I hated them.
"Missing your girl? Huh?" He jokes.
Alan and Joel chuckle.
"What do you want, Victor?" I question.
"Am I not allowed to have a normal conversation with my friend?" He says, smirking.
"Leave me alone." I tell him before looking down at my untouched food.
"He probably misses that Ivy girl." Alan blurts out.
I don't say anything as I feel my blood start to boil, my grip on my fork tightens as I try to control my anger.
"Why would anyone get all sad over a girl who put you in jail?" Joel comments.
I try to take deep breaths as I hear their words.
"Some stupid girl." Victor adds.
That's when I couldn't hold it anymore and I threw my fork right at his head making him groan. I stood up from the table and looked down at the three of them.
"Don't you dare say anything about her. She isn't the reason I'm here. I'm a murderer. I deserve to be here. You can talk shit about me all you want, but don't ever say anything about her. I never want to hear her name out of any of your guy's mouth." I lecture before walking out of the cafeteria.
Part of me hates her for what she did but it could never stop me from loving her. I don't think I could ever stop.
I walk through all of the phone booths until I find an empty one. I sit down and stare at the phone. I reach my shaky hand up to the phone and pull it to my ear. I type in the number into the machine and listen to the sound of the ringing.
"Hey it's Ivy, sorry I didn't pick up your call I-" She gets cut by another voice.
"I'm Ivy and I love Paxton Clark." I hear my voice say in a high pitch voice.
"Shut up, Paxton." Ivy tells me.
I hear myself laugh at her in the background.
"Uh anyway, I'm not in love with Paxton Clark so dad if you're hearing this don't worry." She says into the phone.
I smile as I feel tears form in my eyes.
"Leave a message after the beep." She adds.
"Xoxo!" I hear my voice yell in the background.
"I don't say that!" Ivy yells at me.
"Yes, you do!" I hear myself laugh before the beep goes off.
"Uh, hey tesorina. I feel sort of stupid for doing this but I remembered your voicemail that we made back at the hotel in New York. I missed your voice. I miss you." I start.
I feel the tears run down my face as I look down into my lap.
"I'm sorry, Ivy. I'm sorry for saying all of those stupid things to you that night in the hotel, I'm sorry for letting you die that night on the cliff, I'm sorry for being the reason you ran out during the ball." I cry into the phone.
I let out a weak laugh.
"I'm sorry for telling people that you say 'Xoxo'" I add.
I go silent for a bit as I think of what to say next.
" I love you so much, tesorina. I love you with every bone in my body, I'll never stop." I say.
"Bye, Ivy." I added before hanging up.

RomanceTwo of the most famous gangs filled with some of the best serial killers out there. Ivy Moore, rude, disrespectful but still has the best confidence, she's also the best killer in her gang it would make sense since her dad is the leader. Paxton Clar...