4 years earlier
Paxton Clark
I stand in front of my parent's grave, the rain falling hard onto my head. They were dead. I needed them and now they're gone.
I feel tears form in my eyes and fall down my face and mix in with the rain droplets on my face.
"Paxton! Get in the damn car!" My uncle calls.
"Bye mom and dad." I whisper to the gravestones.
I wipe my tears and walk back to the car. I don't wanna stay with my uncle, he scared me.
I open the passenger door and I'm about to get in when my uncle begins to yell at me.
"You are not getting in my car all wet! Get out. You can walk home." He demands.
I sigh before closing the door and watching him drive away.
The street was empty, with no car in sight. The graveyard was cold and abandoned. I stuff my hands into my pockets and begin walking down the side of the road. I was scared to walk home knowing he was going to be there. He's gonna hurt me. I can smell the alcohol in his breath. The bottles were scattered around the living room.
I walk down the hallways and watch as all the kids talk and laugh around me. My back hurt really bad, William hit me again last night when I got home. I try to ignore the pain but it hurts like hell. I locked myself in my room while he continued to yell at me from downstairs, it was hard to fall asleep.
I reach my locker and open it, I begin to gather all my stuff and get ready for class.
"I know, dad." I hear a voice say from next to me.
I turn my head to my right and see a girl on the phone as she opens up the locker next to mine.
I watch as she rolls her eyes at her dad.
"Bye, dad." She says into the phone before hanging up.
She sticks the phone into the pocket of her ripped jeans and grabs her books from her locker.
She was really pretty, she had short black hair that stopped right after her shoulders, her skin was perfect, it was tan and soft. I wanted to touch her but I was afraid that if I laid a finger on her she would break.
She was wearing a black tube top and a leather jacket with tall leather boots.
I move my gaze back to her face and my eyes meet forest-green ones.
I freeze under her stare.
"It's rude to stare." She tells me.
I gulp as I feel my palms start to sweat.
Her voice was soft and gentle.
Holy shit, I'm gonna die.
"I- uh." I stutter.
She lets out a small laugh.
Her laugh was beautiful.
I look down at her.
"What's your name?" She asks.
"P-Paxton." I answer.
She smiles at me.
"I'm Ivy." She says as she sticks her hand out for me to shake.
I look down at her hand.
"Are you gonna shake it?" She questions.
"I-uh, it's gonna break." I blurt out.
She frowns at me.
"Here." She says before grabbing my hand and placing it in hers.
I feel butterflies and chills throughout my body.
She shakes my hand gently.
"Nice to meet you, Paxton." She says.
"Nice to meet you too, Ivy." I tell her.
I love her name. Ivy.
It's beautiful.
The bell rings and all the students start making their way to class.
I watch Ivy throw her backpack over her shoulder and close her locker.
"See you around, blondie." She smiles at me before walking down the hallway.
I turn to her and watch as she confidently struts down the hallway.

RomanceTwo of the most famous gangs filled with some of the best serial killers out there. Ivy Moore, rude, disrespectful but still has the best confidence, she's also the best killer in her gang it would make sense since her dad is the leader. Paxton Clar...