I laughed hysterically as I listened to Paxton sing, or at least tried to.
"YOU WILL BE MY GIRL, MY GIRL!" He sang 'we fell in love in October by girl in red'
"Paxton my ears!" I yell as I cover my ears.
We were in the car on our way to California, it was time to kill Gage Dawson, the leader, but I still wanted to know who Tristen was.
Paxton laughs before turning the music down. He looks over at me and smiles as he takes my hand into his.
"We're almost done." I say as I look out the window.
"Yeah." He replies.
It goes silent for a moment.
"Paxton?" I ask, breaking the silence.
"What happens after we're done with all this?" I ask.
Paxton looks at me and I look up at him.
"I mean we're gonna stay together, right?" He questions.
I nod.
Paxton smiles.
"Then, we go on with our lives and stay together." He explains.
"What do you mean "go on with our lives"?" I ask him.
"Well, we continue working with our gangs." He addresses.
"What if I don't want to work for my dad anymore?" I say, looking away from him.
"You don't want to do this anymore?" He asks.
"I can't do this anymore." I tell him.
"But you've been doing this for years now."
"I can't do it, Paxton. I hate doing it. I don't enjoy it." I explain to him.
He stares at me.
"What do you want to do Ivy?" He asks.
I looked up at him.
"I want to do art. I wanna be an artist, Paxton. I could go back to highschool for senior year and then I could go to art school." I explain.
Paxton smiles.
"Then do it. Become an artist, and if your dad doesn't let you, I'll pay for you to go to art school." He tells me.
I smile at him.
"You would do that?"
"I would do anything for you, tesorina." He says.
I lean up to him and place a gentle kiss on his cheek.
"Thank you." I say before looking back out the window.
The car went silent again, but this time it was calming and nice. The faded music was playing silently in the background.
"Paxton?" I ask again.
"Yes, Ivy?" He answers.
"I have one more question." I tell him.
"And I might have an answer." He says, his eyes fixed on the road ahead.
"What does "tesorina" mean?" I ask him.
I've been dying to know this since the day we met.
Paxton chuckles.
"I can't tell you." He says.
"Paxton. Please" I beg.
He smiles. "Fine." He says.
I smile freakishly.
"Tesorina is italian for my darling or my little treasure." He explains.
I stare at him in awe. This whole time he was calling me his darling.
"Why'd you call me that instead of just darling?" I ask him.
"Well, my uncle would yell at me and so would you." He says.
I laugh.
"I love it." I tell him.
"Good." He says, smiling.

RomanceTwo of the most famous gangs filled with some of the best serial killers out there. Ivy Moore, rude, disrespectful but still has the best confidence, she's also the best killer in her gang it would make sense since her dad is the leader. Paxton Clar...