Chapter 29

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I held onto Paxton as tight as I could as we ran down the long dark hallway, I wasn't sure where we were but it looked like an abandoned warehouse.

"He's gone." I cried into his shoulder.

"It's gonna be okay." Paxton reassures.

I look behind us and see Tristen and a few of his men running after us.

Ivy, you need to stay focused or you're gonna get you and Paxton killed.

Paxton runs outside of the building, holding me bridal style. I look around us and see that we were in the middle of nowhere. It was pouring rain and it was cold. There was a forest of trees surrounding us.

"Just run!" I yell.

Paxton starts sprinting into the trees and I look behind us and see the faint silhouettes of the men still following us.

All of a sudden I feel a familiar pain in my leg.

I groaned as I looked down at my leg that had blood oozing through my green dress.

Paxton looks down at me then at my leg.

"Crap." He mutters.

He makes a sharp turn and we crouch behind a giant bush.

He holds me in his lap and looks down at my leg.

"It hurts." I complain.

"I know, baby." He mutters.

He quickly grabs the hem of my dress and rips it.

I watch as he slowly lifts my dress up to reveal the giant bullet wound, the rain droplets running down my bruised leg. He wraps the fabric from my dress around my wound and I wince in pain.

Once he finishes wrapping it he lifts my dress down and looks down at me.

We sit there as we hear the sounds of footsteps get closer and closer. Paxton holds me tighter in his arms as I hold in my painful screams from the bullet wound. I look up into his bright blue eyes and get lost in them as I remember everything we'd been through together. I knew he loved me. And he knew I loved him.

"Ivy please don't give up. We can do it. We always do." Paxton reassures me.

I don't say anything and just look into his teary eyes.

"I'm sorry Paxton." I start, my voice weaker than it had ever been. "For everything, I broke all my promises to you from day one. And I regret every single one." I say as I slowly break down and tears stream down my face that was covered in bruises.

Paxton sighs and looks down at me.

"Even though you broke every promise, I would still forgive you every time just to see those bright green eyes again." He admits as tears slip out of his eyes.

"I love you, you idiot." I respond, letting out a small laugh.

"And I love you, my beautiful tesorina." Paxton replies, breaking out a small smile.

I cupped his face in my hands as he leaned down and kissed me as our lives depended on it. His wet lips pressed on mine.

Paxton starts to laugh against my mouth making me pull away and frown at him.

"Why are you laughing?" I question him.

"We're kissing in the rain." He laughs.

I roll my eyes and smile at him.

"So funny, Paxton." I say, sarcastically.

"It is." He continues to laugh through his tears.

I let out a small laugh before pulling his face to mine and kissed him passionately, making him stop laughing.

I love him so much.

All of sudden I heard police sirens go off making the two of us pull away.

"This is it, lovebirds. You're gonna go to jail and rot." I hear Tristens voice.

I looked at Paxton who smiled at me.

"I'll go anywhere if I get to go with you." He says.

I smiled.

"I'm not gonna let you die." I tell him.

Paxton ignores me and looks over the bush before picking me up and running in the opposite direction of Tristen.

"There they are!" He yells.

I watch as cops and Tristen's men start charging at us.

Paxton stops running abruptly and I look up at him and see him staring in front of him. I look ahead of us and see that we were standing at the edge of the cliff.

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