Paxton Clark
"I'm gonna miss you at school." She says as she hugs me tightly.
"Me too." I tell her as I place a kiss against her head.
She pulls away and looks up at me and smiles.
I smile back at her.
"I should go before your dad sees me." I remind her.
"Yeah, I'll see you tonight." She says.
I place a kiss on her cheek before climbing out her bedroom window.
I was sad that I wouldn't get to see her as much anymore but I liked our system we had going on for the past few weeks, where I would sneak into her room early in the morning and say bye.
"Give me the wrench." I tell Corbin as I look at the bottom of the car.
"Here." He tells me as he puts the wrench in my hand.
I begin tightening the screws and change a few of the rusted ones up.
I smile to myself when I'm done.
I pull out from under the car and sit upon the creeper.
"Not bad, Clark." My boss says to me as I take a sip of my water.
"Thanks, Oliver." I tell him as I screw the cap back onto my bottle.
I finally got a job since I wasn't going to school and I need money but mostly because of William. I hate staying home knowing he might come back any moment.
I got a job as a mechanic and Oliver's car dealership. It was a pretty nice job, the people were nice and I got good money, plus Corbin was working here too since William never paid us for doing our missions.
"Alright, boys. That's it for today. Why don't you boys head home and I'll close up for the night." Oliver tells us.
"Okay." Corbin says.
I grab my stuff and say my goodbyes before making my way back home. It was cold and dark as I walked down the sidewalks. I walk up to my house and smile when I see Ivy sitting on my porch reading her book.
She looks up when she hears my footsteps. She smiles brightly before placing her book down and running into my arms.
I laugh as I spin her around.
"I missed you." She whispers into my ear.
"I missed you more." I tell her.
She laughs as I place her back down.
"You're covered in dirt, weirdo." She says as she wipes her hands over my dirty shirt.
"Well, I'm a hard-working man now." I joke.
She smiles up at me.
"I'm gonna go change." I tell her.
"I'll come." She says.
"No, William's in there." I warn her.
"His car's not here." She states as she points to the driveway.
I look at the driveway and notice no car.
"Fine." I give in.
I take her hand into mine and she grabs her book before we walk in.
I take her to my room and tell her to wait for me while I shower. I change into my clothes before walking out into my room to see Ivy fast asleep on my bed. I walk up to her and pull the covers over her body before getting in next to her.

RomanceTwo of the most famous gangs filled with some of the best serial killers out there. Ivy Moore, rude, disrespectful but still has the best confidence, she's also the best killer in her gang it would make sense since her dad is the leader. Paxton Clar...