Chapter 30

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I look behind us and see the men get closer.

"Put me down." I tell Paxton.

He sets me on the ground gently and I look up at him.

"We're jumping together." He says.

"I can't let you die." I say.

"That's not your choice to make." He insists.

I look down at the cliff and see the body of water.

"We aren't gonna make it Paxton. I don't want you to die." I beg him.

"Ivy. Please, I can't live without you." He pleads.

I look behind us as I hear Tristen laugh.

"Nowhere to run now." He says.

"Fine." I agree with Paxton.

He smiles before giving me one last kiss and turning towards the cliff.

"No!" I hear Tristen yell.

"I'm sorry, Paxton." I say, slowly pulling my back-up dagger out of the waistband.

I always come prepared.

"What-" I cut Paxton off and stabbed his leg making him fall back and scream as he hit the ground.

I turn around and look at Tristen as he starts to make his way towards me.

I give him a salute before falling backward.

"IVY!" I hear Paxton yell.

I feel the strong winds blow through my hair as I fall, I look up and see a small figure standing on the edge of the cliff.

I watch my dress fly up because of the wind.

I felt like I was flying. It felt like the world around me was frozen and it was just me falling down to the ending of my story. Until I felt the cold water hit my body and everything went black.

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