Chapter 19

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I wake up to loud voices coming from downstairs, I slowly sit up and rub my eyes from the bright sunlight shining into my room.

"You can't go in there! You hurt her, you're a liar!" I hear Paxton yell.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that! Now get out of my way and let me see my daughter!" I hear my dad's voice yell.

"Why'd you lie?!" Paxton yells back.

"That is none of your business!" My dad keeps yelling.

"Paxton let him see her." I hear Williams' voice.

"No! You both keep messing with her head! She could've died!" Paxton yells. "I sat there in the waiting room, praying nothing happened to her! I called both of you, your her father and you didn't care one bit that she was in the hospital!" Paxton swore.

I smiled as I heard those words come from his mouth.

"Listen here Paxton. You will never talk to me like that, she is my daughter and I'm gonna go in that room to go see her, and when I come back out here I want you gone. I don't you anywhere near her, you aren't gonna talk or touch her. Do I make myself clear?" My dad says sternly.

Everything goes silent.

"What about the mission?" William asks.

"They will no longer be working together." My dad said.

What?! He can't do that!

"Get out of my house Paxton. I never want to see your face again." My dad commanded.

There was silence again before I heard footsteps and the front door opening and closing.

No! He can't just tell Paxton to leave. I need to finish the mission and I can only do that with Paxton. Think Ivy. If you let Paxton leave you won't ever see him again or finish this mission.

I quickly stand up and I'm hit with pain, but I ignore it and walk to my bedroom door and walk out into the hallway.

I grab onto the stair railing and drag myself down.

"Paxton!" I call out as I try my best to get down the stairs.

"Ivy?" I hear my dad's voice.

I reach the bottom of the steps and turn to see my dad standing in the hallway.

"Why would you do that?" I began. "First, you lie to us and now you're kicking out the one person who hasn't lied to me!" I yell.

"Ivy, he was talking back." My dad replied.

"Good. He did the right thing." I said before rushing out the front door.

I watched Paxton open the driver seat door to his car and was about to step inside.

"Paxton!" I called out again.

Paxton looked up to the sound of his name and frowned as he saw me standing on the porch.

"Ivy?" He asked.

"Don't leave." I told him.

"Ivy, I-" I cut him off.

"Please." I plead.

Paxton looks down at his car and then back at me hesitantly, before closing the car door and walking over to me.

I smile in relief.

He walks up to me and looks down at me.

"Don't listen to him. He can't tell you to leave, only I can." I tell him.

"Good." He replies.

Without thinking I threw my arms around Paxton's neck and hugged him. He was hesitant at first but eventually, he wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Thank you." I said gently into his ear.

"For?" Paxton asked.

"Not lying to me." I explained.


I pull away and look up at him.

"You have to promise me one thing though." He puts out.

"Ok?" I responded, unsure where this was going.

"No more secrets."

I pause and think.

Could I trust him?

"No more secrets." I repeat.

I guess I could.

Paxton smiles before walking past me into the house.

I follow him and watch my dad stare at Paxton with daggers in his eyes.

"Dad. This is Paxton, my partner." I said sarcastically.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Moore." Paxton sticks his hand out.

My dad doesn't even look down at Paxton's hand and just walks away with William right behind him.

Now I can get all my answers.

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