Chapter 22

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"I remember one time when I was young I loved playing soccer, so my dad and I would always play in our backyard and one time we were playing and I kicked the ball so hard it flew towards my dad and hit him right in the face." Paxton shared as we drove down the roads with the windows down, enjoying the warm breeze.

I laugh.

"Was he okay?" I ask him.

"He got a bloody nose, but I was proud that I hit the ball so hard." Paxton tells me.

I laugh again.

"Of course you were." I say looking out the window and sticking my hand out.

"What about you? Did you and your mom do anything fun?" Paxton asks.

"Well, I don't really remember her so I'm not sure." I tell him.

Paxton nods as he keeps his eyes on the road ahead.

"But I did love art a lot when I was younger." I say.

"Oh really?" Paxton asks.

"Yup, it was my favorite thing to do." I begin. "My dad and I would sit in our garage and paint while blasting music." I went on.

Paxton smiled.

"It was so much fun, and whenever I made a cool art piece at school I would bring it home and show my dad and of course he would hang it up on the fridge." I explain.

"I doubt your art was even good." Paxton jokes.

"Shut up, my art was amazing. My stick figure was perfect, they had the straightest lines ever." I sneered.

Paxton laughed.

"I bet." He adds.

"When did you drop out of school?" Paxton asks.

"My dad took me out once I was in highschool so I could help him with work and he homeschooled me." I tell Paxton.

"Do you wish you went to highschool?" Paxton asks.

"Sometimes, just so I could feel like a normal teenage girl," I start. "But as I grew older my dad became busier and he was never at home. So throughout middle school I would sit in my garage alone and painted. I remember when I got to like 10th grade my dad introduced me to this kid who was my age. He was one of my dad's workmen's sons. But there was also this other boy from high school, I barely remember him but me and him we were close in like a different way.  I wish I remembered more but my memory got fucked after sophomore year because of a car accident." I revealed.

"Do you still know first kid? The one who was the son of one of your dad's men." Paxton asks.

"No, we both joined the gang and after our first two years of working for my dad, this kid and his dad just disappeared. I remember asking my dad almost every day if this kid could come over but my dad would always say no, and I was heartbroken for months." I explained.

"What's his name?" Paxton asked.

"I don't remember," I answered. "I haven't seen or talked to him since then." I added.

"So he was like your childhood best friend?" Paxton says.

"Pretty much." I tell him.

"That must be tough."

"Yeah well I got used to people leaving me from a young age." I let out a small fake laugh. "That's why I don't let myself get attached to people that easily." I went on.

"Is that why you were so mean to me when we first met?" Paxton asks.

"That, and because you were just annoying." I respond.

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