Paxton Clark
Dear Ivy,
I'm starting to accept the fact that you aren't coming for me, and that all of this is in my head. This whole being in jail thing is making me crazy, Victor was right, you don't care about me as much as I thought you did. You left me. You had a choice but you left, and here I am, going crazy over the fact that you're gone. Why? Why'd you leave? You told me you loved me but you still left. You're selfish, Ivy. God, why am I ruining friendships over some stupid girl? I don't need you, Ivy. You ruined me. You really broke me, I hope you know that.
I grabbed the piece of paper that had all my anger and hate written on it and stuck it under my pillow along with all the other papers. I felt pain just thinking about her, I hate her. I wanted to grab all those stupid letters and rip them up but I couldn't. I hate her so much.
I sat on the edge of the bed and stared down into my lap, I wasn't able to do anything anymore. She's not coming, she's dead. That selfish brat left me all alone. All of a sudden I hear a loud bell breaking me away from my thoughts.
"Get up! Breakfast!" I hear a guard yell.
I watch them pull my cell door open and I make my way to the cafeteria. I grab my disgusting food and sit down at an empty table. I stare down at the food but am not able to eat it. I haven't eaten anything for the past 2 days, I'll eat a small nibble of my food then just throw it away. I was sick of all this, prison, Victor, and especially Ivy.
"Look, it's the psycho lover boy." I hear someone say from the table next to mine.
I roll my eyes and stare down at the food.
Psycho lover boy. Wow.
I felt something hit the side of my head making me look over at the table next to mine, there was a group of guys throwing food at me.
I glare at them.
"Is the lover boy angry?" One of the mocks.
I ignore him and look back down at my food.
"Probably, because his girlfriend isn't with him anymore." I hear another one say.
I hear them laugh.
"Obviously, she's dead." They continue to sneer.
"I heard he was writing letters to her."
I looked up at Victor's table, they were all talking to each other. He definitely told people how I wrote letters to her.
"What's wrong with him?" I hear the guys say from next to me.
"Creep, imagine writing letters to a dead person."
I completely lose it and charge at one of the guys, punching him in the jaw. Before I knew it the two of us were laying on the ground punching each other when suddenly I get grabbed and pulled back by two cops.
"HEY!" The cops yell at us.
I watch two more cops grab the guy who I beat up and hold him back.
"Psycho!" The guy shouts.
"Shut up!" I yell back.
I move my gaze around us and see everyone surrounding us, my eyes land on Victor and his friends laughing at me.
"Let's go." One of the cops demands before dragging me out of the cafeteria.
I get thrown into my cell, and the cops start yelling at me but my minds all over the place to understand anything they were saying.
I stare down at the concrete ground as I feel my blood start to boil.
She did this to me. I hate her. I HATE HER.
Ivy, Ivy, Ivy.
I love her.
I hate her.
She made me happy.
She broke me.
What did I do to her?
I needed her.
She didn't care about me.
I cared so much about her.
I feel tears form in my eyes and sobs leave my mouth.
The cops were gone. I didn't even notice them leaving.
I did this to myself, I made myself believe she was coming and that she was alive. Victor knocked some common sense into me. I need to change, I need to forget about her. I need to move on. She wasn't coming for me and I needed to get that straight.

RomanceTwo of the most famous gangs filled with some of the best serial killers out there. Ivy Moore, rude, disrespectful but still has the best confidence, she's also the best killer in her gang it would make sense since her dad is the leader. Paxton Clar...