Chapter 68

439 13 0

Paxton Clark


I stare at Ivy as she focuses on the road ahead of us. She was here. Alive. With me. I was holding her hand in mine. Her hand. I could feel her soft fingers wrap around with mine, I felt complete.

I couldn't keep my eyes off her, I was afraid that this was all a dream and she'd disappear.

"It's rude to stare, Paxton." She says as she glances at me.

"I just wanna make sure this isn't a dream." I tell her.

"It's definitely not a dream." She confirms.

I pull her hand up to my lips and place a gentle kiss on it.

"I missed you." I admit.

"I missed you too." She replies.

It falls silent as we drive down the roads.

"Where are we going?" I ask, breaking the silence

"Las Angeles." She answers.

"What about, we go to New York?" I suggest.

"New York?" She questions. "Why?" She asks.

"Well, last time we went to New York together we had a fight and didn't enjoy the city." I remind her.

"Right, you got into a fight with Tristen." She recalls.

"You mean Harry." I correct her.

She laughs.

I love her laugh.

"What ever happened to Tristen?" She questions.

"I killed him." I answer, blandly.

"You did?"

"Yeah, after you jumped off. I lost it and shot him." I explain to her.

She doesn't say anything for a moment.

"I'm sorry." She finally says.

I don't say anything and look out the window.

"I didn't mean to leave you like that, Paxton." She tells me.

"But you did. You left me all alone, tesorina." I say.

"I know and I regret it so much."

I sigh and look over at her, I stare into her green eyes and remember all the things we'd been through together.

"I didn't want you to die, you mean too much to me." She explains.

I smile at her.

"Two years, it took you two years to find me." I joke, trying to lighten up the mood.

Ivy laughs.

"I didn't know you were in Chicago." She protests.

I laugh.

"I was born here." I tell her.

We both start laughing hysterically.

"New York baby!" She cheers.


We pulled up at the hotel we bought with Ivy's money. She told me about her job and some lady named Elenor and a kid named Lucas. She took a break from driving and so I drove for her.

I look over at her to see her fast asleep.

I smile before gently shaking her.

"Tesorina?" I whisper into her ear.

Ivy groans before opening her eyes looking at me.

"We're here." I tell her.

She smiles at me before kissing me. She sits up straight and looks at the hotel then back at me, her eyes scanning up and down my body.

"You can not go in there looking like that." She says, referring to my orange jumpsuit.

"How do I get in then?" I ask.

She grabs her backpack from the back seat and pulls out a hoodie.

"Put it on, it's fine if your pants show." She explains as she hands me the hoodie.

I take it from her and put it on. It only covered the top half of my suit but it would do.

"Let's go." She announces before grabbing her bag and stepping out of the car.

I followed her through the parking lot and into the lobby, which only had a few people in it.

I got a few stares from people wondering about my outfit choice but none of them recognized me.

"Moore." I hear Ivy say to the front desk lady.

The lady types and says a few things to Ivy before handing her the keycard.

Ivy takes my hand into hers and guides me up the elevator and up to the third floor.

"Do you think people will recognize me?" I ask her as we wait in the elevator.

"I doubt it, we just need to fix your outfit." She sneers.

I roll my eyes playfully and she laughs at me.

I look down at her and cup her face into my hands.

"I love you." I tell her.

"And I love you." She says.

I lean down and kiss her passionately.

Ivy. Ivy. Ivy.

You're all I want, Ivy.

I only want you.

Nothing else.

"Oh, uh sorry." I hear a voice say.

Ivy and I pull away and turn to the open elevator doors and see a lady staring at us.

"Uh, sorry." Ivy says before grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the elevator.

We walk down the hallway and laugh.

"Ok, here." Ivy announces as we stop in front of room number 315.

I watch Ivy put the card in the lock and wait for it to turn green, once it does she pushes the door in and walks in with me right behind her.

I close the door behind us and lock it.

Ivy laughs as she jumps on the bed.

"Hopefully there aren't any cockroaches in this bed." I joke as I lay next to her on the queen bed.

Ivy laughs as she remembers.

"That was so gross." She says.

"I know right." I laugh.

Ivy scoots closer to me and wraps her arm around my torso as she rests her head on my chest.

"I'm so happy right now." She tells me.

"Me too." I whisper as I place a kiss on the top of her head.

I run my hand through her soft black hair.

"You cut your hair?" I question.

"Yeah, I didn't want people to recognize me." She explains. "Do you like it?" She asks as she looks up at me.

"I love it." I answer.

She smiles before nuzzling her face back into my chest.

I rest my head back on the pillow and hold Ivy tight in my arms before I feel my eyes start close and I slowly fall asleep.

Ivy. Ivy. Ivy.

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