Chapter 35

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Paxton Clark


"See. Now you just have to act like you own the place." Ivy explains as she walks down the hallway confidently.

I sit on the stairs and watch her in amazement.

"Confidence is key. Without it, people will assume they can just walk over you." She says as she stops in front of me.

"Now you try." She tells me.

I chuckle before getting up and walking down her hallway trying to seem confident.

"Keep your back straight." She corrects.

I obey and start walking again.

"Perfect." She tells me.

We were at her house and she was trying to teach me how to be confident, school just got out for the day and Ivy's dad was still at work.

"Now, if someone touches you what do you do?" She asks me.

"Beat them up, unless they're a girl because you can't hit a girl." I answer.

"Well, unless she tries to hurt you." Ivy says.


"So if William tries to hurt you?"

"I beat him up." I answer.

"Good." She smiles.

"Can we watch a movie now?" I ask her.

She laughs.

"Sure, but I get to choose." She says.

I groan.

"You suck at choosing movies." I tell her.

"Do not!" She protests.

I laugh at her.

We walk into the living room and Ivy chooses Mean Girls as our movie.

"I hate this movie." I complain.

"Too bad." She says.

Ivy pulls the blanket over the two of us and rests her head on her shoulder. I watch as she wraps her arm around my bicep. I heard that when a girl does that it means she feels safe around you. I don't know if it's true but it's a nice thought.

I place a gentle kiss on the top of her head and rest my cheek on her head.

I feel my eyes slowly close and I slowly fall asleep.


I walk down the hallway and stop once I reach Ivy's locker.

"Goodmorning, tesorina." I greet her.

"Morning, blondie." She smiles at me

"Here's your book, not the best but I tried." I tell her as I hand her the messed-up book.

"I like it. It looks cool." She says as she takes it.

"Well, just in case you're lying, I got you some coffee." I tell her as I pull out a small cup of coffee.

"Thanks, Paxton." She says she takes the cup from me.

She grabs her stuff and backpack and closes her locker.

"Let's go." She tells me.

We walk down the hallway together and she talks about a book she started reading. I watch her lips move up and down as she talks. I wonder what her lips taste like. I wish I could kiss her. I want to hold her tight in my arms and kiss every inch of her.

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