Chapter 2

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Esme POV

It was going on 9.30pm and Carlisle still had come home and  I was starting to worry as his shift at the hopsital finished over three hours ago and I had not heard from him which was unusal as if he was going to be late home due to an emergency at the hopstial he would phone home to let me know. So when he did not call and did not arrived home I started to imagine the worst although I do not know why as we where vampires after all. I decied that I would call him to see where he was and if he was okay, but as I started to dial his number the front door opened and in he came with an apologetic look on his face. After he came in and was greated buy the others he stated to explain why he was late home.

Carlisle POV

Once I finally arived home I was greated by my wife Esme and the rest of the family I explaned to everyone why I was late in getting home why I did not phone to imfrom them that I would be late.

After I told them of the woman and her son they all understood and we all decided to stick on a movie and relax. Half way through the film my phone rings and I pull it out of my trouser pocked and checked the caller ID. It was the hopstial. Once I answered the phone the nurse on the other side was speaking in a rushed tone so I told her to came down and me what was wrong. She told me that the woman who was brought in earlier that day with Spanish influenza was sceaming his name and was also having hallucinations as she was speaking about vamires and other things. She also said that she knew your secret and she needs to talk to you. After she she had finished I told her that I would be there as soon as I could and hung up.

 After I hung up I see everyone looking at me wilth a worried look on the faces. They had over head the last part about the woman knowing my secret "our" secret. As I was leaving I reasured them that there was nothing to worry about and that I would call once I had found out what was going on with this woman.

Jasper POV

After Carlisle left I could see everyone was worried so I used my gift to came everyone down. After a short silence  Rosalie and Alice decied to speak first and they were worried about what this woman said she knew and what she wanted with Carlisle.

Emmett put his arm around her trying to comfort her and I did the same and with Alice and Esme who like a mother to all of us. An hour or so past and we still had not heard from Carlisle which we all took as good news.

Carlisle POV

I arrived at the hopital and all the staff seemed to of camed down scince I recieved the phone call telling me that I had to come back due to this woman who said she knew my secret. Well nearly all othem as nurse Lucy seen me come the the ward doors she was still upset and worried about this woman who we yet did not know he name. Lucy told me that the woman has not stopped shouting for me and that she keeps repeating over and over I know ur secert Dr Cullen I need to speak to you. I reasured Lucy that I was just a rection triggered by the illness bother her and her son has.

After Lucy left I headed fot the room in the ward that the woman and her son was in to find out what was going on and if she really did know my secret. Once I entered their room the woman looked up at me and then back to her son who was in the bed next to hers. I asked her why she kept shouting my name?

The woman spoke for the first time scince she arrived at the hopsital today. She said "my name is Sarah Manson and this is my son Edward he is only 17 years old and I would do anything, give anything for him to survive this." I just looked at her confused. Why was she telling me all this. All I could think of was that she knew she wasnt going to survive and she wanted someone to confid in.

After a few moments I was taken out of my thoughts by Sarah when she asked me to come closer as she needed to ask me something and did not want anyone to here what she was about to tell me.

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